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HERWriter Guide

Hello again Jane123

Thank you for writing!

At 19, you are an adult and should really have a handle on sex education by now. Doing so avoids the kind of stress you are under.

There is no risk of pregnancy from what you did. You need to have unprotected intercourse with ejaculation - and be ovulating - to get pregnant. Stopping and restarting sex to check this and that sounds like a miserable experience for both of you. Condoms are highly effective and there are many other forms of birth control to consider if you want extra reassurance. You need to trust your birth control!

Regarding pre-ejaculate; pre-ejaculate itself does not contain any sperm. Sperm may be inside the urethra if a man ejaculated recently and did not urinate since. If he urinated since he last ejaculated, there is no sperm at all. Pregnancy is very uncommon from pre-ejaculate and the urethra would have to contain sperm at the same time. And again, a woman would also have to be ovulating and engage in unprotected intercourse with ejaculation.


September 26, 2017 - 2:18pm


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