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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

There is no realistic risk of pregnancy from what you said. There are a lot of "maybe's" and "there might have beens" - you need to be aware of what you are doing and when, so we can't gauge exactly what was what - we weren't there and you don't seem to know what you did.

But sperm does not penetrate clothing and to get pregnant, a woman has to have intercourse, naked and unprotected, and be ovulating at the same time. Therefore there is no risk. In future, make sure your hands are clean and dry and use a condom if your penis is exposed.

I read your second post (but deleted it, only one is allowed per topic) - we can't say why she hasn't had her period - it could be stress, but it's not from pregnancy. She needs to contact her doctor to know more.

November 21, 2017 - 5:56pm


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