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EmpowHER Guest

A person inquired about you and a few responded. One, being an Edocrinologist. The first (patient/advocate and the second, an Endocrinologist):

I have watched the video. It is apparent to me, that she is suffering (physically and/or pschologically-I'd wager both). It can be seen in her eyes and underneath them.
The question could be asked, which came first? Hair loss is normal, we shed over 100 hairs daily but I gather from her video that she went well beyond normal hair loss. Finger nail loss or raising off the beds (in absense of injury) isn't normal.

She deserves a full thyroid examination, both physical (neck exam-for which she can do herself: http://www.aace.com/public/awareness/tam/2006/pdfs/NeckCheckCard.pdf)
and thyroid blood labs: TSH, Free T3, Free T4 and antibodies: TPO (thyroid peroxidase antibodies) and TgAb (thyroglobulin antibodies). Afterwards, she needs a copy of those labs. They will contain her values, as well as reference range.

Outside of thyroid, I am aware of a condition (no doubt, there probably are more) that cause nail beds to raise/fall off (outside injury) but I fail to remember the medical cause.

In the off-chance that she deals with any future doctor who is reluctant to run blood tests, she can have this done on her own (out of pocket) via: http://www.healthcheckusa.com/

Clicking on "view locations" will reveal labs nearby.
I went this route because my [then] doctor wouldn't look into matters, despite advice here.
The advice I found here and thanks to healthcheckusa (not requiring doctors orders) revealed a problem. The labs are legitimate. I went to Lab One-the very lab my doctor office uses when we need to ship labs out.
I used code 12345 to take 10% off my order. Shipping (lab request, that she will give the lab tech and the mailing lab results) is $12. if I remember correctly.

That said, I think she needs copies of her lab work for her own records.

Best of luck to you and the woman you are trying to help (kudos for looking out for her).


The above response is pretty thorough regarding the thyroid evaluation --certainly worth testing. However, the most common casue of hair loss is stress. Other medical things to test would be testosterone, DHEA, blood counts, iron (ferritin) stores and a good dermatology evaluation -- especially if there are patches of hair loss, not just generalized hair thinning.

March 7, 2008 - 12:49pm


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