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Anonymous (reply to patsypearls)

I was diagnosed with fibro in 2010, after going thru test after test to figure out what was wrong. It is the most painful thing I have ever dealt with in my life. I also have osteo arthritis to go along with it. I had to quit my job in 2013. I filed the first round of disability that year but of course it was denied. Then I hire an attorney to file an appeal and after two years of waiting I had my hearing and was denied. I had the worst attorney you could ever imagine and he did nothing for me or my case. According to him I had the "worst" judge they have ever had and my attorney was terrified of her so he never defended me one single time. She was not interested in me or my case. I am now trying to find an appeals attorney that will file my appeal with the appeals council. This is really frustrating because I live in constant pain 'and it's hard for me to do anything other than lay on my side all day. I cry every day of my life and I see nothing changing at all. If anyone has any suggestions about an attorney who would file with the appeals counsil please let me know. Thanks

September 13, 2017 - 3:20pm


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