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You are right on in thinking you probably need to have preventative screenings, but what and how often may actually depend on your age. The University of Tennessee Medical Center has a great write-up about the type of exams women should receive and when. Here's what they had to say.

"The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, 2004) recommends that young women have a complete physical exam that includes a pelvic exam with a pap smear, by age 21 unless they are sexually active. For sexually active women, this exam is recommended approximately three years after the first sexual encounter no matter what age that occurred. Women, younger than 21 who are not sexually active, but are having gynecological problems, should seek care if symptoms are severe or do not improve.

Until age 30, ACOG recommends that all women have yearly pap tests. After age 30, if a woman has a negative history of abnormal pap smears for three years and no evidence of a virus called HPV, cervical screening can be extended to every three years unless they are at high risk for cervical cancer. [Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that is responsible for genital warts, cervical cell abnormalities and, in some cases, cervical cancer. There are treatments available if HPV is detected, and often it clears up on its own.]

Women who have had hysterectomies (removal of the uterus and often the ovaries) should know that ACOG suggests that if a hysterectomy was done for health reasons that did not include abnormal cells and cancer, they do not need pap smears. After age 70, the American Cancer Society suggests that pap smears are no longer necessary. It is important to know that ACOG advises all women to continue yearly pelvic exams even though they may not need a pap smear. "

They also recommend a clincal breast exam as an annual exam after age 40 in addition to your monthly breast exam in addition to the following screenings:
A screening colonoscopy, usually performed with general anesthesia in the hospital outpatient area for detection of colon cancer, is recommended for all women at age 50;
Women more than 65 years old or those younger with risk factors, should be tested for the bone disease called osteoporosis with a DEXA scan;
A heart healthy screening is also a good idea especially if you lead a lifestyle that may be less than kind to your heart;

With regard to vision, you may want to check out this chart courtesy of the U.S. government as it changes with age ...

When it comes to skin and dental health, age-associated guidlines are key.

And prevention involves making smart decisions about your health prior to the onset of conditions rather than reacting to medical conditions upon their onset.
Does that info help?

June 29, 2008 - 2:04pm


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