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What do you think is the most important health test for women?

What do you think is the most important health test for women?
66% (25335 votes)
Pap smear
3% (1328 votes)
Bone density test
1% (460 votes)
Cholesterol test
1% (426 votes)
Blood pressure check
2% (800 votes)
Eye exam
1% (390 votes)
They're all important
25% (9773 votes)
Total: 38512 Votes

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Since high blood pressure runs in my family and it is common in the African American community, my focus is on hypertension in women. High blood pressure cannot be seen or felt but it can be devastating if you or a loved one has a sudden heart attack or kidney failure because of unchecked blood pressure. I urge every woman regardless of race to monitor your blood pressure, eat a healthy diet in moderation, get daily aerobic activity and also get sufficient rest. Thanks,

February 11, 2012 - 1:51am

They are all important

February 7, 2012 - 11:18am

of all the rest on the list, we all know that awful pap is very important!!!

February 4, 2012 - 8:18am

They're all important, but if I must choose one I would choose Blood Pressure. It is one measure that can tell us so much! If I didn't have to choose, I would pick them all!

January 25, 2012 - 10:25am

The most important test is different depending on the indiviual and their particular health issues. If you are referring to screening tests they are important to have done, but you must remember that the results of tests such as Pap and mammograms do no provide conclusive results. Mammograms, especially, are dependent on the interpretation of the physician reading the films. The same doc can read the same film with a month in between and provide different results. Likewise, two different docs can read the same film and have differing opinions.
I had Pap tests repeated several times over a three year period of time. Some were normal, some showed abnormality. I never knew which one to trust. I did end up having cancer later on. Asking questions and communicating with your is as important as the tests.

January 20, 2012 - 1:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

It is interesting that many think that Mammogram is the most important, this is because we are taught to think this. The truth is the leading cause of death in women is HEART DISEASE. You really need to do your own research into your health and health matters. The mainstream would lead you to believe that there is only one truth, where as there are many ways to be healthy and avoid interventions that are costly and many times cause more stress than good. You have to be smart though and have the ability to research things yourself, if you simply rely on your doctor or mainstream sources of information I guarantee you will be quite disempowered.

January 14, 2012 - 5:11am

all the test is import from my life

January 10, 2012 - 6:11am

The Pap Smear is particularly important in the South Carolina, due to the sexual health culture in this state. Many do not have access to clinical or counseling services due to transportation, or fear talking about things related to sex. The amount of sexual misconceptions are elevated here, when teenagers believe it to be illegal to buy condoms if they are under 18, and we are among the highest in the nation for teen pregnancies, STI's and HIV/AIDS.

January 3, 2012 - 9:06pm
EmpowHER Guest

All of the medical tests are important for optimum health. It depends on your age, health and family medical history,when and how often these tests should be taken. Ask your physician.

December 13, 2011 - 8:02am
EmpowHER Guest

I agree with you on that point also. I think in todays world you have to be cautious about your health in all ways. In talking to women who have been in breast cancer treatment with me, the number of women with different kinds of cancer is astounding. Alot of these women were very aware of their bodies, very healthy, a lot of them have been vegetarians and vegans. I do what my drs. tell me, but I also do use some homeopathic remedies also. I do have a great faith in God, however I also believe that God puts the people in our lives that we need, and that includes drs.

November 4, 2011 - 6:47pm
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