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scared and hurt. please help Join this Group

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by msconfused 8 years ago
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Kay so i am a pretty straight up honest person and i know there may be women on here who have been through the same thing i have so i need help.. going to admit first of all that i am a virgin. I have had a couple accidents regarding guys taking advantage of me or trying to at least. And getting extremely close. Touching there with their dick. Sometimes i wouldnt even be willing for them to do that.. one time when a guy did this he got too close and wouldnt stop, and further things happened after that leading to me in the hospital the next day and being put on plan b as a precaution. I have had myself in this situation with 3 guys already and i feel dirty and gross. I get called a whore when this happens and i actually start to feel like one too especially when my mom gets mad at me when these things happen.. its not like i mean for it to happen.. anyways. Yesterday a guy took advantage of me again.. and got really close.. im going to take plan b again in a couple hours but im really scared of it effecting my body in a negative way since ice taken it in october. Im just scared and hurt and i dont know what to do..


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