imageYears ago, people who wanted to kiss their facial wrinkles goodbye did so surgically, with a facelift, spending thousands of dollars and possibly several weeks recovering. Today, however, people wishing to change their appearance have additional options, which can be done in a doctor's office rather than an operating room, with little or no anesthesia. Here is a rundown of some of the nonsurgical cosmetic procedures and what they entail.

Note: In some cases, more than one treatment session is required to achieve the desired result. Side effects are generally temporary and the risks and recovery times may vary. Your doctor can give you an estimated recovery time that is specific for you. Cosmetic procedures that are not due to a medical condition are generally not covered by insurance.

Removing Wrinkles

Chemical Peel

  • Description —A chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the wrinkled top layer, so that a healthier layer can take its place. You are awake during the procedure.
  • Side effects—temporary tingling, burning, swelling, redness, flaking, and increased sensitivity, especially to the sun
  • Potential risks—infection, scarring, fever blisters, ]]>cold sores]]>, sun sensitivity, pigmentation irregularity
  • Recovery time—immediate to 21 days, depending on the strength of the chemical solution used


  • Description—Microdermabrasion is a form of "controlled surgical scraping," in which the outer layer of the skin is exfoliated with an instrument that blasts tiny aluminum oxide particles against the skin to smooth out lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. You are generally awake during the procedure. The doctor may apply a local anesthetic to the area being treated.
  • Side effects—redness, swelling, discomfort in the treated area, itchiness as new skin grows back
  • Potential risks—temporary swelling, increased skin sensitivity, sun sensitivity
  • Recovery time—immediate

Botox Injection

  • Description—The ]]>Botulinum toxin]]> is injected into facial muscles to temporarily paralyze them, thereby reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. You are awake during the procedure, which is generally painless. Although, you may feel a slight burning sensation on injection. Effects are temporary and last about four months.
  • Side effects—redness
  • Potential risks—allergic reaction, bruising, numbness, swelling, headache, temporary nerve damage
  • Recovery time—immediate

Zapping Spider Veins

Spider Vein Removal (Sclerotherapy)

  • Description—The skin is cleaned with an antiseptic solution and then the spider veins are injected with a solution called a "sclerosing agent." Approximately one injection is administered for every inch of spider vein, resulting in anywhere from 5-40 injections per treatment session. A cotton ball and compression tape are applied to each area of the leg as it is finished. You may be asked to wear compression stockings after the procedure. You are awake during the procedure and may feel a slight burning sensation. But, the needle used is so thin and the sclerosing solution is so mild that pain is usually minimal. Results are usually permanent after a few sessions.
  • Side effects—temporary bruising and redness at injection site, leg cramping
  • Potential risks—severe inflammation, scarring, allergic reaction, pigmentation irregularity
  • Recovery time—immediate

Removing Unwanted Hair

Laser Hair Removal

  • Description—A laser beam is directed at the area of unwanted hair. Areas treated include the face, arms, legs, back, and bikini area. You are awake during the procedure and must wear special glasses to shield your eyes from the laser beam. The procedure is virtually painless, although you may feel a very slight stinging or tingling sensation in the area being treated. Hair generally grows back in a few months, but becomes finer with multiple treatments, eventually resulting in permanent hair removal.
  • Side effects—temporary redness, blistering
  • Potential risks—skin discoloration, scarring
  • Recovery time—immediate