An anal fissure is defined as a tear or a rip in the delicate lining of the anal canal. While most anal fissures heal on their own with the assistance of suppository creams, topical creams and hot baths, there are cases when an anal fissure will not heal on its own.
This chronic condition can cause extreme discomfort both during a bowel movement and regularly throughout the day, bleeding and even extreme pain. In the case of the chronic anal fissure, surgery may be required to alleviate the symptoms and provide much needed and deserved relief.
Anal fissures can be caused by extreme constipation or extremely large bowel movements in adults, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and in less common cases, anal sex. In young infants anal fissures can occur as the body becomes accustomed to processing digested milk and soft foods. Anal fissures are much less common in children. (
Pain and bleeding after defecation are the most common symptoms of anal fissures, which are commonly confused with hemerrhoids.
Changing one's dietary habits can help with anal fissures. By bulking up on dietary fibers, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, relief of both diarrhea and constipation can occur, leading to smoother bowel movements and assisting with the healing process. Fifteen- to twenty-minute hot baths can also help to reduce tension and relax the anus, promoting the healing of the area.
Surgery is only necessary in about 10 percent of cases of diagnosed anal fissures and is highly effective in eliminating the pain and discomfort as well as the recurrence of anal fissures.
Anal fissures should not be confused with or associated with colon cancer as they are completely unrelated and anal fissures will not cause or lead to colon cancer. (
Please see your doctor for more detailed information.
Aimee Boyle is a freelance writer and regular contributor to EmpowHer. Visit her website at: http:www.
Add a Comment5 Comments
can anal fissure treatment is possible with the help of Chinese traditional medicines and surgery?
February 23, 2017 - 12:55amThis Comment
Do you know of any places in Canada...Scarborough Ontario to be exact that doctors treat this condition. I am inquiring for my dad, he suffers with this. No creams he has tried has helped.
please if anyone can help that would be great.
August 21, 2010 - 1:37pmThis Comment
From what I understand an anal fissure will feel like your are passing shards of glass where as a hemorrhoid may burn. Both cause bleeding - in either case, best to be examined by a doctor who has experience in both conditions such as the doctors on the site I mentioned.
January 25, 2010 - 10:07amThis Comment
you say anal-fissures are often confused with hemerrhoids, but you don't mention how you can tell the differance.
January 25, 2010 - 9:50amThis Comment
There is also a great resource on anal fissures and treatment and the ability to find physicians who treat them non-surgically on
January 22, 2010 - 10:04amThis Comment