In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Health Expert", Dr. Suzanne Levine discusses common foot problems that women experience and how they can treat them.
EmpowHER - Those shoes…is there anything that captures a woman’s imagination and desire like shoes? If you are like me, you can never have enough.
Dr. Levine - If I had this in my closet, I would just smile every time looking at it. This was worn by Sarah Jessica Parker in “Sex in the City”, this is the shoe she was held up for.
EmpowHER - Along with a price tag in the thousand dollar range, there is another price you pay with shoes like these.
Dr. Levine - Generally, your feet start to hurt after age 30. Our feet are meant to last 30 years, and then we have to start to take care of our feet.
EmpowHER - Doctor Suzanne Levine estimates she has performed more than 28,000 foot surgeries. She is also the author of the book, “My Feet Are Killing Me”.
Dr. Levine - You have to wear your shoes in moderation and know how to take better care of your feet and there is a lot out there so you can wear the shoes for two or three hours. You have to know what shoes are limousine shoes, what shoes are five hour shoes, what shoes are two hour shoes for that matter.
EmpowHER - According to Doctor Levine Nealry 90% of all women and men for that matter neglect their feet, and then run into problems. The number one foot problem for women??? Bunions.
Dr. Levine - A bunion is a boney bump on the side of the big toe, some times your big toe is leaning into your second toe, and when you put your foot down, it looks like a triangle. It looks large and bulbous, and a little unsightly, and it can be very painful.
EmpowHER - While shoes can contribute to the problem, Doctor Levine says they are not the cause. Hormonal changes, weight gain, and genetics are all major factors when it comes to the health of your feet. Various treatments and exercises can help, but when the pain is too much to bear, surgery may be your only option. Now, back to those Sarah Jessica Parker shoes!
Dr. Levine - This would be the equivalent of a seven layer chocolate cake and you are dieting. No, it is not a healthy shoe, but it is still a shoe that I would wear.
EmpowHER - Just remember, wear in moderation.
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For relief from wearing uncomfortable shoes and being on my feet all day, I put on my SmartToes toe stretchers at the end of the day. It's made a huge difference in my comfort level. I got them on Amazon.
April 4, 2012 - 5:20pmThis Comment