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if i give a man a blowjob and he has herpes or genital warts can i get the sores on my vagina i.e if he has herpes and i get the virus in my mouth (if that happens)? does ?that mean i get the herpes sores on my vagina?
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If a female partner has Herpes 2, can a male partner contact by:
September 29, 2014 - 9:35pmA) performing oral sex on her (get virus in mouth)
B) her performing oral sex on male without condom
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Hi Anonymous,
Yes, you can get herpes or genital warts from performing oral sex on an infected individual. There are two different strands of herpes simplex virus (HSV) either HSV-1 (causes mouth sores) or HSV-2 (genital sores)..please be aware that both can be contracted via oral sex.
The sores in the mouth can also be contracted by kissing, sharing utensils, etc with an infected person. These usaully show up as cold sores on or around the lip area. The genital herpes can be found on or around the penis or vagina. For more information, check out our gential herpes site here
In response to your question about genital warts (HPV), this is turn in also true. You risk infection from oral sex as well although this is less common according to the Center of Disease Control. Genital HPV is passed by skin-to-skin and genital contact. For more information about the human papillomavirus from the Center of Disease Control, please click here
I hope this helps answer your questions.
April 3, 2011 - 8:51amGood luck,
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OMG! To answer the original question, NO! If you go down on a guy who has so-called "genital herpes" (HSV-2), then you're likely to get HSV-2, but not on your genitals.
You either get HSV-1 or HSV-2, and you get it in the area where you're exposed to it.
See for further discussion.
April 29, 2012 - 12:44pmThis Comment