I found out I had HPV after a PAP. They told me I could go to a special place to get a treatment. My doctor also told me that I could get it cut out (did that mean it would be gone for good?) or not. she also said i was to come in every 4 months for the first year, every 6 months for the second, then back to my normal once a year after that. It cost i think about $500, but they said I could get a LEEP or something else. I dont remember what it was I had done tho. I cant remember what a LEEP is? and if thats what I had done.. I thoughttt that she had just cut a peice off to have it tested, and she later called me and said results came back and that its lookin good for me. I got off the phone with her, but never did ask what that was supposed to mean. But I never ended up going back in for my paps...not ONE. and its almost been a year :( my mom said not to worry about it cause she cut it completely out and i shouldnt have it anymore. but is that possible, i thought there was no cure or anything they could do for hpv? and also can it really clear up after two years? what if i dont know how long ive had it, cause i didnt know how long i had it before finding out about it.
I have been with the same guy I was with when I found out I had it now for about a year and a half. (all this happened around january 2009) I didnt know if this meant he had it or not too, so we did some research and an article said that guys cannot go to the doctor and get it treated. (yes we were sexually active)
and since i thought i didnt have it anymore (after what my mom said) we thought we would be okay to be sexually active again. he doesnt seem to be having any signs of anything so i thought everything was ok.
then i started getting a strange odor, not fishy, not TERRIBLE, just different, and i didnt like it at all. i also started thinking other people could smell it and it made me nervous.
and now i have little bumps, the size of razor bumps, dont itch dont burn dont anything, dont look like warts, then they just go away after a couple days. my mom says not to worry, its normal to have maybe like a pimple down there or something, but it doesnt look like that either, it doesnt hurt, theres no white head or anything. she also said im just making myself more worried and im just noticing the littlest things. .
im sorry for ranting on so much, but i have no one to talk to about this stuff, and REALLY cannot afford a doctor. im pretty scared and just wanna know whats going on, if i have it still or not, if i got rid of it? then got it again because we became sexually active again and he had it? can he get rid of it if he has it? idk what to do? can someone please help me?
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Thank u so much for your help. I dont think and dont remember ever having anything cut out, so i was sure i still have it. my mom just said that i shouldnt have it anymore cause she thought they "cut it out" so it got me confused. i told her i didnt think they cut anything out or off. i do believe the doc just took a little bit of something...maybe my cervix? to test for abnormal cells? then maybe thats y she called and said everything looks good?
i really do need to go get another check up, after that last one with my doctor i never went back, i was way too shy and just felt sick to my stomach everytime, didnt even want to think about it. but now i realize i need to know about it and know whats going on with myself. ya know?
is there anyway for my boyfriend to get rid of it, iff he has it?
ya the bump went away so i dont really remember if it was by hair but i tend to get them when i shave.
they dont hurt or anything and go away fast, so im not sure.
i dont feel like im having any symptoms? but yet im afraid i still have it, and i want to do somethingg about it.
thanks again soooo much for your help!
December 3, 2009 - 9:44pmThis Comment
Hi Noname123,
I'm going to try and help you, but this is in no way to be taken as a replacement for contacting your OB/GYN both to verify what's going on, and scheduling that follow-up PAP smear. I believe what happened, is:
1. You have HPV. It's the most common of all the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). It is not a huge cause for alarm, given how common it is, but I know it can be unsettling to think you have a STD. Here's a link for more info: http://www.cdc.gov/STD/HPV/STDFact-HPV.htm
2. You had a pap smear which came back positive for abnormal cell growth, so the doctor did another pap or a biopsy of some sort (I had what's called a cone biopsy, where the doctor takes a tool that looks kind of like a knitting needle with a loop on the end and scoops a tiny cone-shaped bit of your cervix to test the cells).
3. The follow-up pap or biopsy (depending on what your doctor actually did) came back negative.
4. In my experience, once you get a positive read on a pap smear, the doctor likes you to come in every 3 months to check again to ensure no "bad," precancerous cells are present. This is called cervical dysplasia, or abnormal cell growth on the cervix. It is very treatable, and I understand how scary it is. It scared me. But the key is finding it early on so you can get rid of the cells before they have a chance to turn into cancer, which could never happen but better safe than sorry, right?
5. If the biopsy had turned up precancerous cells, the doctor would recommend a procedure such as Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP); I had one 5 years ago. The doctor also could recommend a different procedure, like cryogenically freezing the cells which will then slough off throughout the next month or so as a watery discharge (I had this one a separate time). Cone biopsy also sometime is used to treat cervical dysplasia, as well as laser removal of cells. If you are past child-bearing age, you may opt for a hysterectomy which will remove the cervix, therefore removing likelihood of further infection.
6. Follow-up is key to make sure bad cells don't return. I believe that once you have clear pap smears for a year, you can go back to your annual check-up routine.
7. If you are still of child-bearing age, your doctor may check you when pregnant to verify if you will have an incompetent cervix. All they do if you do have it, is stitch your cervix closed to avoid early dilation/labor.
Hope this all makes sense and helped. Anyone reading this, if you have different information, or are a doctor, please verify and share your experience. Good luck Noname123, and I urge you to be diligent about your health. I realize cost may be a concern for you, but your health is something not to be taken for granted IMO.
December 3, 2009 - 1:33pm~Christine
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Im 17, so not over child-bearing age. and she never said anything about freezing cells or anything like that, that i can remember. my mom is going to set up an appointment for me tommorrow. so ill keep ya posted. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP. its nice to know im not the only one that is/has going through this ! (not that i would ever ever want this for anyone else!) it just scares me.
oh and one other question.... one of my dreams is to be a mother one day!!! can this cause infertility? and how would i know if i were to become infertle ?
December 3, 2009 - 9:50pmThis Comment
Hi, Noname123,
Welcome to EmpowHer! And thank you for your question.
I have a few questions for you. When your doctor told you you had HPV, did she mention cervical cancer? Or just HPV? I am slightly confused as to what needed to be "cut out." Can you tell me more about that? Was it a sugical procedure? Did you have anesthesia?
December 3, 2009 - 8:29amThis Comment