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Appears only on areas that can be exposed, sometimes as big as a softball & puffy, cortisone, prednisone, antibiotics are not taking it away, usually lasts for 3 days and goes away then comes back in a different spot.
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May 18, 2011 - 6:13pmAnother thought is this might be a spider bite. Sometimes, there can be spiders in the bed and they will bite you when you roll over on them. When you are asleep, you are not even aware that this is happening.
Try this: remove all the bedding- sheets, blanket, mattress pad, pillows and even the comforter, bedspread or quilt-what ever is on your bed-WASH.
Next, vacuum the mattress and box spring. Vacuum the floor and any rugs in your bedroom. Give the room a very thorough cleaning to get any hiding spiders.
See if this helps-at the very least- you will have done a good spring cleaning! Keep us posted.
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I did all of that, sprayed for spiders & have now bombed the house for them, noone else including my husband is getting what I have. Very frustrated
May 19, 2011 - 3:57amThis Comment
May 17, 2011 - 6:06pmHave you had this rash examined by a physician? If so, were the antibiotics, prednisone and cortisone ordered by this physician?
My first impression, at the word,bullseye, was Lyme disease. But the other descriptions don't match. My second thought is a contact dermatitis, which is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating or allergy-causing substance Symptoms include localized swelling of the skin and skin lesions or a rash at the site of exposure. The lesions can even be pimple-like or fluid filled blisters.
Most importantly, you need to be examined by a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. Do keep us posted on the mystery rash- I'm intrigued and I think other members will be as well.
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I have been to family doc&dermatologist & prescribed those meds, prednisone does nothing, cortisone either. Now taking claritin in am&zyrtec pm& doxycyline 2/daily for 4wks. Still showed up with 2 new spots last evening on my shoulder underneath a shirt & jacket? I am very discouraged also, my CBC & lyme titer came back normal. Not sure if coming into contact w/ something at home or my job, or in the car???
May 18, 2011 - 5:42amThis Comment