Hi, I've been suffering for five months with a rawness sensation in above area which worsens after I've urinated, with walking and movement and sitting and only eases withstanding, lr reclining in a chair or lying down in bed with the use of a hot water bottle or sometimes ice. Sometimes a numb feeling around that area and a sensation that feels like something is moving down there! Suspecting UTI I saw Dr, and one thing led to another and have had three ultra sounds, four lots of antibiotics, hormones, anti fungal medication, two internal and external examinations.......even a back specialist examined me. Had three urine cultures, one came back showing a higher amount than normal of Streptococcus, but a following one just days after showed nothing. I've had no normal symptoms of a UTI , just this everyday on going feeling down there which is not improving or worsening, have tried everything recommended and am at a total loss what to do next. Also to point out, just after this onset both my niece and sister both got UTI and also two other family members, we all live apart. ( I live in Greece and at present there is an ongoing problem with trash collection, could there possibly be something in the water supply? ) They were treat and cleared up within five days.Could tight PJ bottoms have caused this or a hot bath? I'm 63 and feel fine other than this, only relief I get is from taking a 0.5mg sedative daily. Any advice or help greatly accepted!!!
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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing.
I'm sorry you are going through this kind of pain and discomfort. We cannot say why this is going on, especially as all your tests are not giving you answers.
Since you have four other family members who also got UTI's, it's possible that there is an e-coli infection going on and possibly being passed on. Generally, tight pajamas or a hot bath would not cause this unless somehow there was e-coli in your water supply.
Have there been reports of contaminated water in your area? Is there trash filling up your street?
We look forward to hearing back from you-
May 10, 2019 - 4:49amSusan
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