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My 8 yr old son is in the third grade and I think he may have Aspergers syndrome but im not sure . He has quite a few of the symptoms such as Hes what I call unique kids at school say hes weird, he is not someone that you can joke with b/c most the time

By Anonymous September 26, 2011 - 4:33pm
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he takes it to heart, he gets upset and mad extremely easy and when he expresses a mood he overly feels it -if that makes sense, and he doesnt care how others seem to feel about something he said or did to them but only if theyve upset or made him mad plus other things that seemed off thru the years. However i cant think of anything he obsesses over and he doesnt talk alot actually hes pretty quiet. He does great n school and has never got in trouble for anything every teacher has loved him. I have always felt like something was wrong with him but couldnt figure out what. Do I need to take him to the doctor and see if he has Asperger's or does all kids with Aspergers have something they obsess over and are very talktive?

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Parents can often pick up on cues from their children and know that something is not right. Make an appointment with your child's pediatrician. Discuss your son's behavior and your concerns with the pediatrician. Your doctor can refer your son to a specialist for evaluation to make a diagnosis. I found this website for you: Asperger's Disorder Homepage
Additional information is available on the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke website on Asperger's Syndrome:

Hope this helps,

September 26, 2011 - 5:14pm
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Asperger's Syndrome

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