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My boyfriend wont have sex with me anymore

By December 17, 2009 - 8:02pm
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my boyfriend for over a year just recently stopped having sex with me, its like it went from 3 or 4 times a week and slowly went to not having it for almost 2 months, every time i ask him why he wont play with me anymore he always says i don't know, i didn't want to make it feel like i was bugging him but i guess it just hurt when he said he didn't know? So i kept asking him and then i finally got a response which i just think he gave me so i would stop asking and he just said i feel like your getting bored of me. I've tried many times to tell him that its not really about the sex its about being with him and he still wont have sex with me.. i feel like i'm not wanted or i'm not good enough. I just want to know what the problem is, sex used to be a big part of our relationship and now its nothing.

I know it shouldnt but this is really making me depressed i've been crying more because of this i get mad easly because he just seems like he doesnt care anymore. Also i know he doesn't have a STD or anything else we get checked.

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am in the same boat. 8 yrs in, my advice Run. I have a so called gamer too. All I ever see is his back. No conversation, no sex, no going out together. Nothing, I am going to leave, I deserve better and so do you. If you let it continue they will never change. I know it's hard because I need his half of the rent, but I just can't live this way anymore. So I am looking to move. Find away.

January 6, 2016 - 2:29pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I've been with my partner for 7 and half years and our sex life is nonot existent I'm not saying every day or anything but would be nice to know they still want you in that way and I'm the same we have a flat and bills together and I've said if you want to leave just go but it's like having a flat share living with a mate he says he loves me but how can he when he doesn't want such a part of a relationship it's so hard I've put up with so much and it's hard I now want to put down roots and buy a house and now he's avoiding it totally! Wish he'd make his mind up ! Not fair on us! Xx

December 31, 2015 - 9:18am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am in a similar situation as well. I am stuck on a lease in a place I didn't even want to move into for 3 more months with my bf and we haven't had sex in 4 months. When I tried to leave, he cried he would be homeless. Seems like both our bfs are using us to help provide for them. I wish you the best of luck and hope you become strong enough to leave. Noone should call you a chore, they should be grateful for you.

December 28, 2015 - 9:48pm
EmpowHER Guest

So many women with boyfriendsor husbands that just aren't sexual attracted to us anymore.. I was crying while reading the stories/replies and ... I know our relationship isn't and shouldn't be all about sex but damn, if I'm not wanted by him anymore, I really feel like leaving sometimes. He'd rather mess with porn than have sex with me ..

December 7, 2015 - 7:39pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Oh man, this sounds EXACTLY like my situation. I've been with my boyfriend for going on two years, and our sex life has never been very good, even to begin with. And it's just gotten worse and worse to where we go months without having sex. Every time I bring it up, he gets defensive and comes up with some other excuse. Truth is he watches a TON of porn. And he thinks since I've brought it up he has it hidden that he's still doing it... Rather than sleeping with me! But I have my ways and I know. It's been over 3 months this time. And I want to bring it up yet again, but at the same time I am out of breath. What's so frustrating is every single other aspect of him is perfect. But I just don't get this. And I don't know what to do.

March 10, 2016 - 10:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm having the same issue and I really don't know what to do.

I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 33, we have been together around a year and moved in together a couple of months ago.

At the start our sex life was really good he was really appreciative and would tell me how good things were etc. over the course of the year I have put on a little bit of weight and he sometimes make light fun of it. I find this to be upsetting because I don't hate my body or feel as if I am unattractive. Yes I could be more in shape but would rather do that for myself than because I feel i have to. My boyfriend is by no means in good shape and I find it hypocritical that he criticises my weight, I would never make hurtful comments to some one about their body image but have found myself recently making snide comments to him in retaliation which upsets me because I'm not that kind of person.

My boyfriend works offshore and is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off so when he comes home I really want to have sex beause I love him and have missed the intimacy.
He is always making excuses why we can't have sexeven when he has an erection although will happily accept blow jobs.
I'm so upset to then pint where i spend most nights in tears I have communicated to him how rejected I feel but nothing seems to change.
I don't know what to do.

November 23, 2015 - 3:31pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am going to be honest and tell all of the 20 somethings in these so called "long" relationships of 2yrs or less, your 20 something guy walks around with a hard on constantly....he's cheating on you. Young men, & women are very confused, there's so many things out there grabbing their attention, porn? In front of you? Not pleasing you? A good man who loves you WANTS to make you feel good, he wants to get you off before he does, he cringes & sweats to hold back to give you your orgasm. THAT IS what a man who loves you wants for you. Also, two years, is not a long relationship, leave that situation where you are not #1 before it does become a long relationship. The sad truth is it will not get better, think about it, how will it? Will you join in the porn watching if you don't want too? Maybe even let him record you? You are fulfilling HIS fantasy? What about yours?
If you want to share your man to make him happy, that's completely up to you & women do do it, I've only known one young woman who allowed it with a friend of mine, her HUSBAND, surprise, they are now divorced.
Different strokes for different folks. This is true, no one can judge you, but don't do anything you are uncomfortable with to please your man, ask yourself when the last time he pleased YOU was. He should WANT too.
I'm going to guess that more than half the men you ladies are talking about are cheating, and the cold hard truth, they're just not that into you. You deserve better. Leave that dude jacking off to porn who doesn't want to touch you. Leave him.
Long life isn't About sex, it's marrying your best friend, so your life long partner only made love to you for a year or two? No way. I'm on 13 years with my boyfriend, common law marriage, (our choice on marriage for another topic haha) the sex is still new & exciting, we do it wherever we can for fun. No porn stars are in this relationship (he watches, of course, he's s man, but never on MY time) when he is with me, it's about me, and I get my orgasm first (if possible :-) )
SO, I'm saying if this is not working for you now, 1-2yrs in......get out, it won't get better, you are not his queen (as you should be) and he is just not that into you or he is cheating. Especially young men. They seriously walk around with hard on's!!! No excuse!

November 9, 2015 - 11:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

Ive been with my boyfriend for 4 years... sex was perfect at first but then stopped suddenly. We went almost 2 months without it until finally I put my foot down. He went to Germany and came home and we havent had sex in about 3 weeks. He is always tired, which im used to but it doesn't hurt any less. Porn is his best friend but I yell at him all the time. Doesn't help. Anyway, moral of the story is guys and girls can tell when you are insecure about your relationship. So saying you feel like he/she no longer finds you attractive is an insecurity. Be confident and go for it. I know you want to wait for them to make a move but you need to be brave and go all in. It does go a long way. Be bold ladies. Be beautiful and be confident in your relationship. Give your man his space and he will love you more. And as for the porn... im in the same boat. But I learned if you either watch it with them, or look and see what turns them on then you can do whatever he likes. Hope this helps.

November 3, 2015 - 9:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

Wow it's so crazy how many people are going through this. I been with my fiancé for 6 years and we live together. We don't have sex but once a month. And I don't try to or he doesn't either. I don't know what's wrong because everything else is perfect. But we are just not having sex as we once were and when we do it's like it's over due

October 29, 2015 - 8:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now. He's 22 and I'm 19 and in the last 8 months, our sex life has drastically gone downhill. We used to be at it like rabbits for want of a better expression, and now, I'm lucky if I get any action in 2 months. I've found that he's been watching porn and I guess I'm alright with that to a degree but I think 'instead of doing that, why don't you show some interest in me for a change?'. I love him more than anything, he's my world but it hurts to think that he may not find me attractive anymore. I have confronted him about it in the past but he just responds with 'I don't really think about it'. If our sex life is like this now, what is it going to be like 3 years down the line or when I want children? I have put on a little bit of weight earlier this year due to a medical condition and was put on steroids for quite a number of months, and find it incredibly hard to shift the weight, no matter what I do, but since then (this was in march) he hasn't complimented me once, not even a 'you look nice' when I make an effort. I have never felt so unattractive in my life and it's really damaging my self esteem. I can't even be around him now without make up on whereas before, I could quite easily. I just don't really know what to do now.

October 15, 2015 - 3:39pm
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