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I have a student, a 1st grader, in my room and his nails are completely white. It does not look normal to me. I don't want to say anything to the parent without knowing more information as to why his nails could be white in color.
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September 28, 2011 - 2:55pmWithout seeing your student and going on what you have said, I am making a guess that white nail syndrome also known as leukonychia may be the cause. Leukonychia can occur with arsenic poisoning, heart disease, renal failure, pneumonia, or hypoalbuminemia. I am including the link to the University of Maryland Medical Center's website that has a photo of an example of white nail syndrome. Does this photo resemble your student's fingernails?
This Comment
Thank you for responding so quickly. Yes, that is what his nails look like. Thank you, thank you.
September 28, 2011 - 3:19pmThis Comment