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What is your favorite way to stay fit?

What is your favorite way to stay fit?
24% (87 votes)
Jogging or running
14% (49 votes)
8% (28 votes)
Bicycling (regular bike or stationary)
9% (33 votes)
Circuit training at the gym or at home
5% (17 votes)
A fitness class like Yoga, Zumba, or Pilates
11% (40 votes)
Weight lifting
8% (28 votes)
Treadmill or elliptical machine
12% (43 votes)
Something else--please comment below
9% (32 votes)
Total: 357 Votes

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I have the most fun doing several different activities to keep fit. One day I may walk, the next elliptical, next cardio kickboxing, next tennis... I make sure to always fit 2-3 days of resistance training in, often combined with a cardio workout.

April 11, 2011 - 6:32pm

I like to swim, bike, jog and play volleyball. I get too bored with just one activity. :)

March 16, 2011 - 11:55am

listing to music like zumba the fast the beats the more of a workout you get
while cleanning vacuming washing etc anytime day or night it really works and you work up a sweat.

February 19, 2011 - 9:55pm

Dancing to Upbeat Music

February 18, 2011 - 11:43am

Resistance training is so important; but you can build resistance training into lots of different types of working out. I dislike machine cardio, but some of my workouts are incredibly aerobically demanding, while still providing that ever important muscle stimulation/resistance training.

February 18, 2011 - 10:01am

I like doing all these things...I need variety or I tend to get bored. That's why triathlon training (sprint distance, not the big ones) is perfect for me. I also need a partner, because if I'm not "scheduled" to workout, I will find other things to do instead and not workout.

February 18, 2011 - 9:53am
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