Breast Cancer is malignant cancer disease that starts to form in the tissues of the breasts and even the underarms as damaged cells begin to invade the surrounding tissue. Over one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer, making it the second leading cause of death from cancer.
How to Detect Breast Cancer
1. Breast Self-Exam
Practicing the proper Breast self-exam, this can be viewed as a great empowerment to those who want to take awareness and have a sense of responsibility to their health.
2. Mammography Screening
Mammography is the main breast cancer screening method that has proven to be effective. It is very complex and can reduce breast cancer mortality by 20%. By getting mammograms regularly, this can help lower the risk of late diagnosis.
3. Clinical Breast Examination
CBE is a low-cost approach to methods of breast cancer screening as it has shown to have promising results that the age-standardized incidence rate is much lower in the screened group when compared to the unscreened group.
Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms
Many experience different breast cancer signs as some do not show any symptoms at all. Take proper care if you have experienced any of these signs and be sure to make an appointment with your doctor right away.
1. Unusual Discharge
Any sort of nipple discharge, especially blood or clear discharge is not normal and should be immediately checked by their doctor. Also, if you are not breastfeeding take notice of any milky-type discharge.
2. Change in Feeling of the Breast or Nipples
You may notice a sort of thickness or tenderness of an unusual lump near the underarm or breast area. Some even notice certain changes in the texture of the skin or unusual enlarged pores on the breast that may also occur. These symptoms can be described to look similar to the texture of an orange peel. Also be sure to check for any sudden lumps located in or around the breast area. This is the most important symptom as all lumps should be investigated by a healthcare professional.
3. Changes in Appearance
If you experience any sudden and unexplained changes in the shape or size of the breast, it is important to take an exam immediately. Check for any signs of sudden dimpling or random, unexplained swelling or shrinking of the breasts. This is especially important if it is only on one side. Also, be sure to take notice is the nipple is turned, even if it is slightly inverted.
Prepare an Early Detection Plan (EDP)
By starting an early detection plan, this can help provide the best possibilities of undergoing successful treatment, if cancer does arise. Health experts say that if breast cancer can be detected early and still are in the minor stage, there is a 100% chance rate in surviving breast cancer. This plan includes a healthy diet, while performing monthly self-exams, mammograms, and regular doctor visits.
Although you cannot actually prevent cancer, it’s definitely a good idea to follow a healthy lifestyle and proper diet along without carrying habits that can actually help increase the risks. Always be sure to maintain a healthy BMI and keep your body fit and strong. This will keep your body physically active. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables along with proper meals of protein. Try to limit alcohol consumption to a moderate level and quit smoking. These helpful tips will help you reduce the risk of development cancer of any kind.
Breast Cancer in Males
Both genders are born with the same breast cells and tissue, which means that both male and females have the same possibilities of developing breast cancer, even though males do not develop milk. Although males can develop cancer, the chances of this are very slim as less than 1% of breast cancer cases are men and only 1/1000 will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
This is usually detected when a noticeable hard lump underneath the areola and nipple appears as most often, men who develop breast cancer are diagnosed with Infiltration Ductal Carcinoma. This is when the cells in or around the ducts start to invade the surround tissue area.
Risk Factors for Male Breast Cancer
• High levels of Radiation Exposure & Estrogen Hormone
• Family History of Breast Cancer
Signs of Breast Cancer
Males can experience the same symptoms as women, including lumps on the breasts. Anyone who notices any unusual appearance or swellings in their breasts must contact their physician right away.
It is important for everyone to know the various symptoms and signs of breast cancer as many who do have even a single breast cancer sign will usually ignore the symptoms and learn about it when it comes too late to treat it. By learning how to perform monthly self-exams and knowing when to see your doctor, you will have the knowledge and power to identify easily any suspicious chances in your body, especially in your breast. Women have a natural instinct to detect if something feels wrong – so always be sure to talk to your health care provider right away.
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Thank you dear.. I feel that women should take care of themselves rather than be scared about topics like this.
March 8, 2016 - 10:01pmI enjoy helping women in every aspect and will continue with the same.
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