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Hormone Replacement Therapy: The Risks and Benefits

By HERWriter
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Estrogen replacement therapy, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and natural hormone replacement therapy, also known as bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, can all help relieve menopausal symptoms. However, there is much controversy surrounding whether to take them or not as there are many risks and benefits to be considered. The decision to begin HRT can be one of the most important health care decisions a woman makes. A woman’s overall health, her personal and family medical history, her lifestyle, and her fears about hormones are all significant in making the decision to start hormone replacement therapy.

The largest benefit most women receive from hormone therapy is relief from hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems, vaginal dryness and anxiety. A woman's body produces less estrogen during and after menopause, which may affect her bone strength. Hormone therapy may also prevent osteoporosis from developing.

Hormone therapy is said to reduce the possibility of dental problems, such as tooth loss and gum disease. It may also slightly lower the risk of colon cancer.

As with all medicines, risks and side effects are possible. Some women taking hormone therapy may have water retention, bloating, nausea, breast soreness, irregular bleeding, mood swings, and headaches. (Changing the dose or form of hormone therapy may help reduce these side effects.)

Taking estrogen can increase a woman’s risk for blood clots. Generally, this risk is higher if the person is taking birth control pills, which contain high doses of estrogen. The risk can be higher in people who smoke and take estrogen.

Woman who take estrogen therapy for a long period of time have a small increase in risk for breast cancer. Most guidelines currently consider hormone therapy safe for breast cancer risk when taken for up to five years.

Estrogen may increase the risk of heart disease in older women. However, it may still be somewhat protective in preventing heart disease when given under certain circumstances. Estrogen is probably the safest for women under 60 years of age.

Women who take estrogen have an increased risk for stroke. Also several studies have shown that women who take some types of HRT have an increased risk for developing gallstones.

Every woman is different. Consulting with your health care provider is the best way to begin making the decision to start with hormone replacement therapy. The key is to weigh the benefits associated with taking HRT – or not – against the risks.

Stacy Lloyd is a writer and video producer in Phoenix, Arizona. A former television news journalist, she covered stories around the world. Currently, she produces corporate and non-profit videos and broadcast programming.

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EmpowHER Guest

Bio identical hormone therapy medications are formulated in laboratories from plant components. They match the exact formula of the hormones your body produces. In contrast, synthetic hormones used in hormone replacement therapy are designed by drug companies from pregnant mare's urine. They are different and foreign to the human body. They do not function like bio identical hormones. They have many proven side effects and are the cause of many health repercussions.
(Link and medically inaccurate information removed by moderator.)

October 4, 2010 - 1:46am

I've taken bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (progesterone, testosterone, and a bit of estriol cream locally for vaginal dryness) for four years and it has dramatically improved my health. The progesterone cream cured my acid reflux, restless leg syndrome and seasonal allergies in less than a week. My cholesterol is down 65 points, and I am now off seven medications. Hormones affect every system in the body, and this goes way beyond menopausal symptoms. Why anyone would take synthetic hormones like Premarin and Prempro is beyond me when there are much better options.

August 6, 2010 - 12:59pm
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