Kelly explains how she knew she had a medical problem before her official multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis.
My name is Kelly and I was diagnosed with MS 15 years ago. It’s funny because you tend to forget how many years it’s been so, I say 15, it maybe 14, it maybe 16 but thereabouts.
I used to run and I was running at lunchtime at work one day and came back from lunch, sitting at my desk and I thought, “My feet are kind of numb, that’s the stupid new shoes, the new sneakers.” And it just never subsided and the tingling turned into numbness and it traveled up my legs.
So by the next day I couldn’t move my legs. So numb from the breastbone down thinking obviously this is beyond shoes, tight shoes, and so I called my doctor and said, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I cannot move, I cannot do anything,” and there began all of the testing, all of the speculation that maybe I ruptured a disc, you know, did something.
My husband and I had an old home and we were doing lots of remodeling so I was very active. We were re-tiling the floor and so it made sense to me that I slipped a disc or did something, didn’t bend at the knees when I was picking up the heavy box and threw something out, but it took about a year and a half for a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
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