I absolutely love pumpkin spice!!! It's one of my favorite parts of fall. I always get all of the pumpkin-spiced flavor foods when they roll into stores for the season. What are some healthy ...
I absolutely love pumpkin spice!!! It's one of my favorite parts of fall. I always get all of the pumpkin-spiced flavor foods when they roll into stores for the season. What are some healthy ...
It seems like most women go through menopause in their 40s-50s. I'm sure that's not always the case though. Are there cases where women go through menopause really young?
I know the age you go through menopause is different for all women, but what is the average age women begin menopause at? Why do some women go through menopause earlier than other?
I started running more recently and am starting to get pain on my legs near my shins. My friend told me it's probably shin splints. What are shin splints? Is there a way you can prevent them or ...
Is it possible to have a broken bone without it hurting a lot? Specifically collarbones and ribs? I think my collarbone is broken but I haven't been to the doctor. It has been a month and it still ...
What are the tell-tale signs of menopause? How do I know when I will go through menopause? Can I base when I will go through menopause on when my mother went through it? Will I have similar ...
I have heard a little about Fenton’s procedure (Fenton's repair) to help with painful sex. What are the details/specifics of this procedure? How do I know if i'm a candidate?
Can ADHD form when you are older (or over time), or are you born with this? What are the symptoms of mild ADHD? How do I know if I have it and how can I be treated for it?
I know there are different symptoms of different mental illnesses. But in general, are there warning signs for mental illness? What are warning signs people can look for that signify mental ...
For a long time, I've had a bump on the roof of my mouth. I believe it was from years ago when I had a spacer in my mouth (as a result of that) every once in awhile, it will hurt, similar to a ...
I feel like I have pretty good confidence, but there's always room for improvement. Working out helps boost my confidence and self-esteem, but I'm wondering if there are any other ways too. What ...
Ever since I had a spacer in my mouth in middle school I had a strange bump on the roof of my mouth. It has been many years since it was removed, but the bump remains. Each year the dentist ...
I have observed that kids who use sanitizer frequently fall sick more easily in an unclean environment. Does over use of sanitizer prevent building up of their immune system?
Everyone I know who has a smart phone will bend their neck towards their chest while looking at their phone. I can't imagine this is something that is good long term. I have some neck pain ...
Friends of mine have been recommending various diet pills. I'm afraid that the pills are at best ineffective and at worst dangerous. How can I evaluate the pills to make sure they will help me safely.
I have had blood pressure tests at various times. I am lucky that my blood pressure is generally good. However, sometimes if I have a coffee, my blood pressure spikes, yet at other times, it makes ...
How come some people get a full blown attack while others just feel anxious then it goes away? What is different between each person that they are affected by this differently?
"Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand." --Karl A. Menniger
I absolutely love pumpkin spice!!! It's one of my favorite parts of fall. I always get all of the pumpkin-spiced flavor foods when they roll into stores for the season. What are some healthy ...
Carrie Margaret Allen commented on Carrie Margaret Allen's post What are some healthy pumpkin spice recipes for fall?