If anyone has tried Lyrica for your pain....has it been helpful, by how much and did you experience weight gain you couldn't control through diet and exercise?
We are in a civil case where I have asked for a Separate Maintenance Agreement, to continue until one of us die or decide to divorce. I love my husband and I know that no one can change him, he ...
Hi All
Thanks to lonely46 for starting this group.
Living with a chronically ill partner can be devastatingly lonely and frustrating, and it's not something society really lets us talk ...
We are in a civil case where I have asked for a Separate Maintenance Agreement, to continue until one of us die or decide to divorce. I love my husband and I know that no one can change him, he ...
If anyone has tried Lyrica for your pain....has it been helpful, by how much and did you experience weight gain you couldn't control through diet and exercise?
If anyone has tried Lyrica for your pain....has it been helpful, by how much and did you experience weight gain you couldn't control through diet and exercise?
PowHerSLife commented on Kali's post Lyrica