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Fiber: Your Best Friend to the End

By Expert HERWriter
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There are so many health benefits to getting enough fiber and yet many Americans do not consume the recommended 20-35mg of fiber daily. No, that isn’t a typo. We are to eat 20-35mg each and every day!

First, let me give you a quick run-down of all the great things fiber does. It helps lower cholesterol levels, balance estrogen levels (especially if you are estrogen dominant), reduce your risk for colon cancer, eliminate toxins, ease irritable bowel symptoms, reduce constipation, improve immune function, aid in weight loss, and of course, keeps you regular.

There are two types of fiber we commonly hear about – soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber undergoes either partial or full fermentation in our digestive tract before exiting the other end. This is important to the healthy bacteria that live in our large intestine. On the other hand, soluble fiber creates bulk, soft stools by attracting water through the intestines. We need both types of fiber to enjoy all of the multiple health benefits.

Examples of soluble fiber include: legumes, plums, oats, berries, artichokes, broccoli, psyllium seeds, apples, pears, and potatoes.

Examples of insoluble fiber include: whole wheat, ground up flax seeds, celery, potatoes, apples, pears, and tomato skins.

Eat a colorful diet full of variety and you’ll be sure to get all 20-35mg of fiber. There are also multiple capsule, powder, and wafer options if you find days your diet is lacking and could use a little beneficial boost. Remember to drink plenty of water and you’ll soon find fiber is your best friend to the end.

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