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What do you think is the most important health test for women?

What do you think is the most important health test for women?
66% (25335 votes)
Pap smear
3% (1328 votes)
Bone density test
1% (460 votes)
Cholesterol test
1% (426 votes)
Blood pressure check
2% (800 votes)
Eye exam
1% (390 votes)
They're all important
25% (9773 votes)
Total: 38512 Votes

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all are important, but one has to give priorities at a moment that what is more important.

December 25, 2013 - 11:55pm

i would think that it depends on your age too!
Younger women need pap smear checks...and blood work would also let them know about ovarian cancer etc.
Where older women other things such as heart disease is more of a problem.
so guess it depends on where you are at...
I got lupus in my late teens thankfully blood tests diagnosed it but i also had problems with my pap smears and a good friend died from ovarian cancer when she was only 22.
so just depends...we all should do what we can...my wish is that all women can get all these tests.

October 24, 2013 - 4:20pm

More women die from heart disease per annum than breast cancer, and ovarian cancer is rapidly becoming an increasingly deadly.
All are important- but not equally so- it should be in order:
Blood Test- total pathology- which will indicate cancer markers, cholestrol and blood presure taen simultaneously
Fecal Test- test for abnormal flora/fauna in digestive system and or cancer markers
Pap Smear- cervical and ovarian cancer
Eye test- eyes are important but we are more capable at rectifying vision issues than at treating cancer. Glaucoma can be diagnosed or at least predicted from abnormal insulin levels or high blood pressure of the blood test.
Bone density- this takes over one year to be debilitating- it is a long term chronic condition- various over-counter supplements of calcium and vitamin D will mitigate bone density.
Women should note their calcium and iron intake are far lower than that of males- and thus due to menstruation are often borderline anemic.
Eliminate non-vegetable, non-fish fats from diet (fat has a strong link to cancer), non complex carbohydrates (sugar, refined flour etc, certain potato breeds). Cut dairy consumption to a minimum. Take your daily multi-vitamins- but eat plenty of unskinned (the skin and immediate layer below contain the bulk of lycopene, phytochemicals and resveratrol) bright veggies (carrots, tomatoes) and leafy greens and if possible berries. The lower your body fat and organ fat- the lower your risks of all cancers and organ complications.
This is the advice given to me by a professor of breast oncology my wife consults with on a quarterly basis.
General practitioners advising against vitamins are under-educated and inccorect. Any post-graduate medical practitioner is aware of the current research literature and would advise consuming vitamins and supplements if only for as yet unproven preventative medicine- all research indicates it is at least somewhat effective.
All tests should be taken annually- total blood evaluation and eyes most important.

July 29, 2013 - 4:30am

They are all important because you have to at some stage take those tests even if they are not done at the same time.

March 2, 2013 - 1:30am

Even though I have breast cancer and was diagnosed on February 14, 2006, I checked them all because to check just one point in the body I believe is a mistake. I am a prime example, because my breast cancer has caused many problems in other areas of my body, and would not have been found if they had not been routinely checked. For example, I have breast cancer, but my eye exams are very important because after my breast cancer surgery, I had two strokes, which were diagnosed definitevely by an opthomologist. I also have osteoporosis which has left me almost crippled, I have broken more tham 6 bones over the past 5 years, and many more before that time. Consequently, a bone density test is of extreme importannce for women, so are blood sugars, blood pressure tests, and cardio exams. It is hard in my case to pinpoint which I would choose if I could only choose one -- they are all of great importance to diagnnose the whole body. I believe part of the problem in medicine today is speciallty medicine, only giving attention to one area of the body, and everyone needs a primary care physician, not only to oversee the whole body, but to have one person to coordinate your care.

January 10, 2013 - 4:55pm
(reply to Briana2006)

Excellent points. One of the leading causes for able women to be placed in supervised care is bone fragility- and if you consider human posture is dependent on vision- failing vision can logically lead to falls from misjudged distance perception (eyes). Wishing you the best of health. Try calcium plus vitamin D to combat your osteoporosis.

July 29, 2013 - 4:38am

All these test are important bcos its good to know whats going on,in ya body bfore hand,So you can take the next step before its too late.

July 19, 2012 - 1:13am

I like the idea of a "Well Woman" program where you could get an annual screening and be covered for all these tests and perhaps a few more.

July 18, 2012 - 2:07pm
(reply to Tacha1974)

Make so much sense- it begs the question why is this not common? Surely insurance companies would be behind this as it is effective and economical preventative medicine.

July 29, 2013 - 4:40am
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