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Understanding and Overcoming Insomnia

By August 7, 2023 - 6:43am

Sleep is a magical key to a healthy life. Just like babies need plenty of sleep to grow, people of all ages require adequate rest to carry out their daily activities and live healthy life. Sleep is like a magic potion that refreshes our bodies and thoughts, making us feel ready for the adventures of the next day.

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But what happens when sleep is disrupted? Insomnia strikes, and just like in a story, it brings challenges, leaving us feeling tired, moody, and unable to focus.

The encouraging fact is that effective remedies are available to help you combat insomnia and enhance sleep quality.

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Let's explore insomnia and its consequences in a better light.

Types of Insomnia:

Based on symptoms' insomnia can be diagnosed as acute/short-term or chronic based on its time duration:

                    Acute insomnia - Sleeping difficulties that last for about 3 months define acute insomnia or short-term insomnia.

                    Chronic insomnia - This lasts longer than 3 months and generally symptoms are either increasing or decreasing. Your sleep can be affected more or less three times a week.

Insomnia can also be categorized based on unique factors contributing to the sleep disorder:

                    Onset insomnia - A normal person requires about 10-20 minutes to fall asleep, but a person with onset insomnia might take 30 minutes or more due to crowded thoughts caused by stress or mental health problems. A caffeine addiction or any other kind of addiction can also be a cause.

                    Maintenance insomnia - A person can experience extreme difficulty staying asleep at night, even if they can fall asleep initially.

                    Behavioral insomnia of childhood - Children find it difficult to gain peaceful sleep due to poor sleep habits or a poor sleep environment. For kids to get rid of this kind of sleeplessness, their parents need to be there, care for them, and make sure they go to bed on time.

                    Menopause-related insomnia - Hormonal imbalance during menopause can lead to night sweats, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances, ultimately causing insomnia.

                    Psychophysiological insomnia - Psychological factors like anxiety, stress, and overthinking interfere with insomnia, making it hard for the brain to relax and fall asleep.

                    Paradoxical insomnia - Despite getting enough sleep, most people believe it is not enough, leading to daytime fatigue and impacting day-to-day work habits.

Causes of Insomnia:

What causes insomnia to arise? The following are some common factors discussed in detail.

                    Stress and anxiety - Constant thoughts and worrying behavior lead to restlessness, causing a lack of sleep. Overthinking about day-to-day life problems in bed can lead to a lack of sleep.

                    Sleep habits - Bad sleep schedule, napping during the daytime, or habits like drinking tea, coffee, or smoking a cigarette can hinder falling asleep.

                    Use of devices - Since the blue light from your phone resembles daylight, your brain thinks it's still day and not night. This false alarm can make it hard for you to fall asleep because it interrupts your body's regular sleep cycle. It might seem safe to scroll through social media in bed, but you know better. Watching short videos over and over again in a loop can keep you up when you don't need to. This can stop your normal sleep cycle.

                    Health-related issues - sleep problems are mostly associated with underlying health issues. Certain medications taken for pain, anxiety, depression or other health problems can contribute to insomnia.

                    Mental health issues - Stress and anxiety can interfere with sleep. Severe mental health issues like depression and PTSD can induce sleep disorders.

                    Environmental factors - Things like noise, warmth, light, or uncomfortable bedding can make it challenging to sleep.

Symptoms of Insomnia:

Insomnia manifests through symptoms like:

                    Trouble falling asleep.

                    Struggling to fall asleep and keep you lying in bed for hours.

                    Constantly waking up, leading to a lack of refreshed feeling.

Due to these problems, the next day may be full of:




                    Mood changes.

                    Lack of focus and concentration.

Treatment of Insomnia:

Finding relief from insomnia starts with identifying the root cause and making a plan for restful sleep. Short-term issues can often be addressed by understanding the underlying cause and avoiding situations that lead to less or no sleep.

For long-term sleep disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is provided by a psychiatrist or a psychologist if they do not work he/she may ask to visit a sleep expert.


After considering the factors that lead to insomnia, I hope this article helps you find your factor. In the epic fight between sleep and insomnia, may your dreams be vibrant, and may a good night's sleep give you energy.

With the right approach and disciplined habits, you can achieve a healthier and more fulfilling life through the magic of sleep. Let sleep be your magical elixir, helping you live happily ever after with a well-rested mind and body.


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