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diarrhoea or diarrhea Join this Group

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by Daisy Nodal 12 years ago
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Diarrhea is an uncomfortable condition that can be caused because of a good deal of reasons. Most cases of diarrhea will have a natural departure. Rarely diarrhea may induce dehydration or can be a sign of much more serious problem. Many-a-times diarrhea problems and symptoms persists a few days, but sometimes it lasts for weeks. If this happens then it may be a sign of a serious disorder, like colitis, or a less grievous condition, like spastic colon. Diarrhea may can come with mucus, or undigested food in the stool, cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or an urgent need to use the toilet. Because of the causes of diarrhea the person may have a fever or bloody stools.


tampa, florida


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