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Natural Family Living Join this Group

Way beyond fed up with the everything, anything regarding where I volunteer and etc

By September 13, 2013 - 10:42pm

Yesterday, wasn't the 1st time that I have gotten into some kind of mess and I prefer not go into the details. Including what it was, where it was, and etc because I prefer to be anonymous as much possible. Even through what I have been through and did for them. At the same time have tried to speak about all of this, but without that much luck. In which I'm still looking for my next opportunity, but having no luck after all these yrs.

Think thats it for now.

Thank you, again, in advance.

Yours truly,

Jessica A Bruno

Group Leader


Is everything that she, her family needs to know about this particular lifestyle, etc. AKA more of a ethical lifestyle then unethical one or whatever its called.


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