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Abnormal bleeding on birth control?

By April 14, 2020 - 6:55pm
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I have been on birth control since i was 11 for endometrisos. I am now 24 years old.
I have been on the same brand of pills for 2 years. I have a period every 3 months, so have 90 day cycles.
23 days before my period i spotted for 2 days (pink blood on toilet paper, 1 time per day). It stopped.
Now 16 days before period i am wiping blood again (pink blood on toilet paper, 1 time)
This has never happened before. I haven't skipped any pills within the last 30 days.

Yes i am sexually active, but we use a condom and check to make sure it didn't break afterwards.

What could this be?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello AnnaS198

Thank you for writing.

We helped you with this question about a week ago. Unfortunately we don't have new answers. Some women have breakthrough bleeding while on the Pill. You may have this bleeding due to sex - see if more lubricant can help.

My advice is to put a call into your doctor (or the nurses's office) and seek their opinion.

Please let us know how it goes.


April 15, 2020 - 4:20am
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Birth Control

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