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Can you get pregnant due to dry humping?

By Anonymous October 26, 2010 - 9:01pm
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So the past 2 months, i've been getting my period exactly on the 22nd. When I'm stressed, i know it can delay. My boyfriend and I were pretty much dryhumping, but he had boxers and jeans on, and i had my underwear (it was lace, and i'm afraid that maybe stuff can get through easier) and pantie liner on, although at times i felt like my pantie liner wasn't in place right, but just around the clitoris area. It's past the 22nd, but sometimes my period isn't always exact of course, but i've been pretty paranoid after dryhumping. I've been very active with school, and not getting good sleep and afraid that maybe i've been overactive to where my body can't keep up. I recently got a cold and wondering if that can affect my period in some way. Although lately, I haven't been that nervous about it. My discharge has been kind of heavy, whiteish and yellowish. This only started about more than a week ago. My boyfriend and I did dry heaving on the 17th. I've been kind of moody and a little cramping. I'm worried about being pregnant or something. please tell me advice.

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My boyfriend and I have dry humped several times since September 28. All of those times we were both fully clothed and he never came because we never reach climax. I've read multiple posts were it is said that it is basically impossible for a pregnancy to happen. Also, one time, we were trying to do anal but I was worried about infections caused by it (hygiene) so he kept his shorts and underwear on. Of course, with those layers of clothes he couldn't go in he barely put it inside. Sometimes he'd mistake the hole but I'd quickly help him (when he made those mistakes he never put his penis inside my vagina) and he told me he wasn't even close to cming, when he saw his underwear in the bathroom he was surprised it was complete dry.

Still, I'm worried because my period is 6 days late. I'm very irregular so I don't have an exact day but my cycles usually are 30-32 days long (though sometimes they are 29,34 and so. That's why I say I'm irregular) but this one is already 36 days long (the longest cycle I remember having in 2014 was 39). Also, I'm a virgin. The things described here are the furthest we've ever gone.

I've been full of anxiety and paranoid because of this thinking that somehow I might be pregnant and haven't been able to think about anything else in the last couple of days. I've read that that could delay a period too. Help me!!!!

October 16, 2015 - 7:19pm

Hi. How many layers can sperm go through. I'm in underwear, boyfriends naked. Pregnancy? Thanks.

October 16, 2015 - 2:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

Can dry humping in 2 layers cause a pregnancy? Answer thanks

October 15, 2015 - 1:30pm
EmpowHER Guest

Can dry humping in 1 layer of underwear cause a pregnancy if he ejeculated. Some say it's unlikely, others say it's impossible? Please I need a real answer thanks

October 15, 2015 - 12:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Susan and Maryaan,
i know this was answered a lot, but we appreciate a clear answer for our situation here.
My GF and i were dry humping, i was wearing a short with no underwear and she was only wearing her underwear, i have ejaculated twice and she had an orgasm more than once but we continued dry humping.
The question here is, can pregnancy occur if my shorts and her underwear is soaked with fluids from my sperm/precm or of her being wet while we continued dry Humping.
Her Period is two weeks late now and she is very stressed, which i know this can let her period become more and more late. how long shall we further wait for the period to come?
Thanks in advance and your helpful response back is highly appreciated.

October 6, 2015 - 12:42am
EmpowHER Guest

So my boyfriend and I were dry humping a week ago, he was naked but I was wearing my panties. I had just finished my period but three days ago I got extremely dizzy and yesterday there was some blood on my panties. I'm super worried I might be pregnant

October 3, 2015 - 1:09pm
EmpowHER Guest

me and my girlfriend had unprotected sex on her sixth day of menstrual cycle.. and that too we had 2 to 3 strokes (not deep).. i am pretty sure that i dint release any semen.. is there any possibility of pregnancy?

October 2, 2015 - 6:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello! I have been reading the comments and they have been making me feel somewhat better about my situation. However, I want to be specific about what happened. Me and my boyfriend dry hump quite often and he is the first I am engaging in sexual activity so I am a bit inexperienced. I have been worried because most of the comments don't explain exactly what I'm looking for! The other week me and my boyfriend were "dry hunping". By this, I mean we are both fully clothed, his penis touching the opening of my vagina and we start humping vigorously so there is still in and out movement and feeling even with clothes on. I have never had sex all the way, so I don't know what that feels like but when we dry hump it feels like we basically have sex but just with clothes on! I have been stressing like crazy because my period is 10 days late! My periods are usually irregular but for the past few months they have been regular! Please help me! Could I be pregnant?

September 30, 2015 - 5:34am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi! Me and my boyfriend dry humped last month after I got my period. And now my breasts are sore when pushed, but i don't still have my menstruation. Could I be pregnant?

September 26, 2015 - 11:57am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My boobs are sore too. And I'm really worried if I might be pregnant to because I'm late on my period by 2 weeks, and I've been having cramps even though I'm not on my period i didn't know what to do I'm really worried .

September 28, 2015 - 7:24pm
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