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Late period after morning after pill?

By Anonymous October 10, 2017 - 3:50am
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Hello! My last period was on 15th of september (it's usually at 28 days) and on 6th of october I had intercours and the condom slipped off. We've got it out easily, but we don't know if any cm got into my vagina. My boyfriend suggested I take the morning after pill even though it was after ovulation. There are many opinions if it was useless to take it or not. We panicked and didn't wanted to risk.I took Escapelle, a morning after pill available in my country (Romania). I want to know if my period is gonna come in time (12th of october) or when should I expect it? Some people say it will be on time or even earlier, some say that there's no way I can know when I'm gonna have it ( if I will have it this month ) because I would've taken it for nothing. What is your opinion? Was it taken for nothing ? My period is gonna be late or in time?

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER.

An emergency contraceptive causes changes in the menstrual cycle. Your next period can start on time, or earlier or later than expected. Flow might be lighter or heavier than normal.


October 10, 2017 - 7:53am
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Emergency Contraception

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