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missed two pills first week

By April 20, 2016 - 5:38pm
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Hi guys. I've been on birth control for 4+ years. I've never missed any pills before. Earlier in the month I ran into some issues with getting my birth control due to the holiday and being out of town. I missed my first two pills of the first week of the pack. I finally got the pack on Wednesday and took the two missed pills and then the pill for the day. Two days later I had unprotected sex with my husband. I was just wondering how likely it would be for me to get pregnant? I understand pregnancy can happen even when you take the pill. I haven't had any symptoms and I'm supposed to get my period later in the week. I'm sorry I'm just really nervous right now and freaking myself out. Thank you for any feedback.

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Only thing I can tell you is that your risk for pregnancy increase with unprotected sex. You chances are very high.

May 16, 2016 - 9:52pm

Hi cmarie123,
Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community.

A change in our normal schedule can make us forget routine things. It's happened to the best of us. Missing one pill increases your risk. Missing two and having sex without using a backup birth control method increases it even more.

Only thing to do now is to take a home pregnancy test. If you are not pregnant, remember in the future to always use a back up method in the event you have to catch up on your birth control pills.

Be well,

April 20, 2016 - 10:09pm
(reply to S Gillette Palmer)

Friday at 12PM I took my last birth control pill, which is the regular time I normally take them. Saturday, I had unprotected sex twice && he enjualated in me both times. That same day and Sunday I forgot to take my birth control pills too. I have not taken any pills yet to make up for the missed pills. What are my chances of pregnancy?

May 15, 2016 - 6:30pm
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Birth Control

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