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Hello Anonymous,
Welcome to EmpowHER. Thank you for reaching out to our community.
Identifying the cause of a plugged ear is the first step.
he most common triggers of plugged ears are:
Ear Wax
Blocked nose
Sinus infection
Build up of water within the ear
Changes in atmospheric pressure while travelling in an airplane
Blockage in the Eustachian tubes
Home Remedies for Plugged Ears
To unplug the plugged ears, you can use some effective remedies at home.
1. Valsalva Maneuver
Take a deep breath and pinch your nose. Now, try to exhale like you are trying to breathe out. This will unclog your ears. This is the easiest and a good plugged ear treatment, especially for airplane passengers and pilots.
Note- Don’t blow too hard; otherwise, it may cause damage to the ear drum.
2. Nasal Spray
If the reason of plugged ears is sinus blockage, you can go for a nasal spray. This will clear the sinuses, thereby unclogging the plugged ears.
3. Candy or Chewing Gum
Sometimes a candy can also help to open up the clogged ears. Eat a hard candy or chew a gum. Even the swallowing will help out in unplugging the ears.
4. Wax Softening Solution
Mix an equal amount of hydrogen peroxide. Lie down and pour a very little amount of wax softening solution in the affected ear. Once you pour the mixture in your clogged ear, you will hear the sounds of bubbles. When you stop hearing this sound, it means, it’s time to drain out the solution. You can try this solution for 3 times a day, but not more than that as hydrogen peroxide can harm your ear drums.
July 17, 2017 - 9:44amMaryann
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