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Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Sex Life

By January 17, 2011 - 1:00pm

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Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Sex Life
Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Sex Life
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Remember how exciting things were in the beginning of your relationship? Although it’s natural for some of that excitement to fade overtime, there are a few simple things you can do to help interject some freshness into your relationship. Special guest Dr. Susan Kellogg from the Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute in Philadelphia and sexpert Mary Wallace Jaensch, share quick and easy tips to add novelty to your sex life, ignite the spark with your partner and improve your overall sexual satisfaction.

Danielle Knox:
Well today I want those of you who are in a committed long-term relationship to take a little trip down memory lane. Remember that excitement you felt at the beginning of the relationship – the time when you still felt those little tingles and the newness of each other kept things really fresh.

Well chances are, no matter how strong your relationship is, over time it’s natural that some of that excitement starts to fade and so today we have two experts here with some tips and tricks that you can use to get that vavoom back in the bedroom.

Joining us this morning is Dr. Susan Kellogg from the Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute in Philadelphia and one of our s-experts Mary Wallace Jaensch from Zestra. Hey ladies, good morning. Good to see you.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Good morning.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Good morning.

Danielle Knox:
I am so glad you are here with us because, you know, Dr. Kellogg, I know that you specialize in sexual health. We are a PG-rated show here at this early morning. So when you say tips and tricks what exactly do you mean?

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
We are talking about easy things, lifestyle changes, small modifications that can make a big difference in your sexual satisfaction. So let’s start with blood flow.

Danielle Knox:

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
What? What am I talking about when I talk about blood flow? Increasing blood flow to the genital areas – simple things like walking 20 minutes three times a week increases blood flow. Simple things, not so simple maybe quitting smoking; smoking definitely impedes blood flow to the genitals. Third thing; diet. We know that diets that are high in olive oil, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fish, the Mediterranean diet.

Danielle Knox:
Yeah, I was going to see that sounds like the Mediterranean diet.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Absolutely. This is evidence-based research that shows that these are pro-sexual things that a woman can do every day to increase your sexual satisfaction.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
And how convenient for women. I mean, we all love to multitask. So now we have all these aspects of our lives – we can diet; we can exercise; we can do healthy things for ourselves and not only do we look better, but it tunes up our sex lives too.

Danielle Knox:
Killing two birds with one stone there. You know the other thing that I think about, you know, I have been married ten years, I have three children under the age of 9 so this segment really works for me this morning. What are some tips? I mean, what can you tell me with regards to tips that I can use personally?

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Well you are used to reading at night to your kids, right? You read snuggy little stories to children but those types of things, which are so important, really nurture your relationship with your kids. So there’s other kind of reading that you could do to nurture relationship with your partner. We are talking about romantic or erotic reading.

Some people like to read very explicit material and other people love to read romance novels, and if you are not doing something that makes you start to think about sexual activity or sexual thoughts then your brain won’t go there. Your brain would rather go to sleep. Am I right?

Danielle Knox:
And my body would rather…as well some nights, yeah.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
So actually I ask my patients to commit to an erotic reading program, just themselves, not with their partners necessarily, 20 minutes, three times a week as well so they can start to believe that they will have those thoughts spontaneously and that will lead to sexual behavior.

Danielle Knox:
And we are not talking about porn here. We are talking about…

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
We could but we also could talk about instructional reading like “Rekindling Desire,” one of the books that I brought with me, or we can talk about just a good romance novel with the good parts. Do you know what I am saying?

Danielle Knox:

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Well what’s really interesting is that we know from research with women is that the woman who take a few moments and again, we are not asking people to invest days of their lives but take the 20 minutes and invest the time, are sexually more satisfied and that for women who often let everything else in the list get ahead of that, they never carve out even a few minutes for themselves, they aren’t as sexually satisfied.

So what’s really cool about the tips and tricks is that they are things you can be doing anyway and you get this extra benefit from it.

Danielle Knox:
You know what and it’s true. I exercise anyway. I read anyway so it’s almost like taking it a step further. What are some other kind of novelty items or tricks that I can use?

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Well we know that when you experience a novel behavior or you are in a novel situation it increases brain chemicals, feel-good brain chemicals that actually make you feel more amorous and more in love with your partner. So let’s talk about things like quasi-dangerous activity, like…

Danielle Knox:
Did you say dangerous?

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
I did. It’s not what you think.

Danielle Knox:
Okay, alright.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
I’m talking about kayaking or hiking, going to a new restaurant and sitting on the floor, you know nothing like that you’ve done normally on a Friday night – something novel, something interesting to ignite that spark between you and your partner.

Danielle Knox:
Very interesting. You know the other thing too is you talk about comfort and I want to stop right there and let you take it from there. What do you mean by comfort? I think I have an idea.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Well sex should never be a painful event. It should be a comfortable one that you look forward to and because of that, many women use lubricants, most women do actually. You know, in my practice I hear all the time, “I shouldn’t have to use a lubricant”. Actually that’s a pro-sexual thing to do.

Danielle Knox:
Why, because I think it’s a negative or something?

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Yes, they think if they were turned on enough that they shouldn’t have to use the lubricant. Well the truth is that most women use lubricants. Most women should use lubricants and they benefit from them.

So lubricant is something that’s placed on the outside of the genitals to facilitate penetration, but there’s another class of sexual products called intra-vaginal moisturizers and most of my patients have no idea that there’s two things. The lubricant is only really for the outside or the opening, and the intra-vaginal moisturizer is placed up in the vagina just two days a week to keep the vagina moist and to increase comfort as well. They can be used together or singularly and neither contain any hormones or anything like that.

Now there’s a third class of products that’s relatively new and it is neither a lubricant nor a moisturizer. It’s actually called a sexual arousal enhancer.

Danielle Knox:
Yeah, and I have to tell you, I have seen so many commercials like oils and gels and all of these.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
There’s a whole set of new offerings for women, but what’s really important is that women should be very careful about what they use because a lot of them contain chemicals and needless to say that’s a sensitive part of your body. So Zestra is a really unique product because it’s a blend of botanical oils and extracts. It’s clinically proven. It’s used by a lot of doctors and it basically works in 3 to 5 minutes to increase the sensations, to increase the sense of ‘to feel more’. So what women say is it just adds a little bit of va-va-voom to your experience.

Danielle Knox:
I like that. Va-va-voom and you actually, your patients, you use it with your patients a lot.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Actually I recommend Zestra a great deal because it does increase blood flow, increases sensation; it’s completely organic and it adds a little novelty, which is exactly what we talked about today.

Danielle Knox:
Okay, and so what is the difference because that’s the thing that I have always wondered about the difference between something like a Zestra and then something like some moisturizer, let’s say for example.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Right, well Zestra’s purpose is not necessarily to lubricate or moisturize. It’s clearly as an arousal oil and arousal enhancer. So it’s really that product for women.

Danielle Knox:
And you know what, I am not blushing; I am actually smiling because this is actually information that I can use and I think a lot of our viewers can use and sometimes people are a little bit embarrassed to talk about it, right? But it’s real and it can be very helpful.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:

Danielle Knox:
So, thank you ladies for being with us here on the show this morning. I hope my husband was listening this morning. I’m taking this home with me but again, we really appreciate it, really good advice.

Dr. Susan Kellogg:
Thank you.

Mary Wallace Jaensch:
Thank you.

Danielle Knox:
And if you want information from Dr. Kellogg check out the PelvicandSexualhealthinsitute.org and for more information on Zestra, simply go to Zestra.com.

Today’s show is brought to you in part by Zestra – a natural blend of botanical oils and extracts, clinically proven to enhance a woman’s desire, arousal and satisfaction. Experience the ‘Zestra rush’ for yourself.

Related Terms: Female Orgasm, Menopause, Low Libido, Female Viagra, Sexual Arousal, Sexual Desire, Increased Female Libido, Female Arousal, Aphrodisiac For Women, Female Aphrodisiac, Female Sex Drive, Female Sexual Enhancement, Women Having Sexual Difficulties, Sex Drive, Vaginal Dryness, Vaginal Atrophy, Female Libido Enhancer, Sexual Satisfaction, Arousal Gel

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