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Top Ten Ways to Be Sexy and Single

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You don't need a partner to feel sexy, look sultry, sound erotic and exude animal magnetism. In fact, embracing these parts of yourself even in times of singleness will not only bolster your confidence and self esteem, it will also lead you on a profound journey of self-discovery and self knowledge.

By loving yourself in all ways, you will create and enhance your full, rich life without a partner. Should the right person come along, you will both benefit from your knowledge of your body, your sexual tastes and preferences, your familiarity with your own fantasy life, and your command of your senses.

So, for those times when you are flying solo, here are some spicy thoughts:

1. Buy a new outfit for yourself; yes, even if you have to save to do it, indulge in a new blouse, skirt, and even a jacket. Make the sensory experience of the clothes matter to you. If you love velvet, buy something that is smooth and refined; if silk is your "mmmmmm, ahhhh," spend a few extra dollars and feel it wrapping around your bare shoulders with exquisite gentility.

2. Spend time in lingerie. Whether its something you own or something you really need to go out and get, raid Victoria's Closet, turn on some dance music, mellow music, or the television (or bask in the silence) and really enjoy it. Since there's no one around, you can pose for yourself, exploring the beauty of your size, shape and sexiness, judgment and insecurity-free. Really try and love yourself without worrying about what needs fixing. You may find you adore what you see.

3. Take yourself out on a romantic date. Bring a novel and your sunglasses. Pretend you're a character in a French film. Go out to dinner someplace intimate and cozy, explaining nothing. Eat decadent food. Then go to a movie. Sink down in the seat and bask in the enjoyment of your own thoughts, your own entertainment. Afterwards, go to a cafe and have a chocolate flavored cappuccino. Ahhhh...

4. Read Anais Nin. This author has been famous for years for her erotic stories and scenarios. Tasteful, poetic, wild and womanly, reading erotica can sometimes take us places no visual imagery ever will.

5. Apply lipstick. Surprisingly, this little thing can sometimes make us feel sexy, as subtle as it is. It is a small, simple gesture that brings us back to our earliest days of dress up, discovering our lady selves and feeling beautiful.

6. Get a massage- sure it's indulgent, but again, like that outfit and the date for one, these little things will not break you financially and they go a long way toward that sense of relief, self love and enjoyment of your life and body. Take time in the spa when you go, experience the sensual nature of the massage for all its worth.

7. Use aromatherapy lotion. These lotions are soothing, smoothing, peaceful and sexy. They can help you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

8. Run your hands along your body; no need to go further if you are not so inclined.. just the slow, sensual movement of your hands on your own skin will help you relax, make you feel comforted and loved and just feels so good, natural and sexy.

9. Take a hot bath at an unreasonable hour. If you can't sleep, take a bath as hot as you can stand it. Light a candle, pour some bath oil or bubbles in, and just be free of time. Floating, massaging yourself and unwinding in the hot water will be a lovely, loving way to reconnect with your sexuality and help you fall asleep, as well.

10. Flirt. Sure you're single, so it's a great time, not a terrible time to flirt! Flirting is part of human nature, as fun, necessary and uplifting as laughing with a friend. It validates your sexiness, makes you feel alive, warm, worthy of attention. You can say things you wouldn't say to a mate; be playful, watch your boundaries, use common sense, but let your eye-batting, skirt twirling, quick-comeback side free; make lingering eye contact, laugh at his jokes. When he laughs at yours, enjoy the moment.

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