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Five Ways To Prevent Cancer

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Did you know that cancer rates have doubled in the last 30 years and some cancers have tripled in people under 16 year olds?

For our young children and teenagers, this rise has occurred at a frightening 7% per year. Several causative factors have been implicated in this rise and it is vital that more is done to prevent cancer and halt this growing trend.
Here’s what you can do:

1. Don’t use pesticides on your lawn or garden and eat only organic food. Pesticides can cause cancer. According to the journal Cancer Causes Control, “In animal studies, many pesticides are carcinogenic, (e.g., organochlorines, creosote, and sulfallate) while others (notably, the organochlorines DDT, chlordane, and lindane) are tumor promoters... Human data, however, is limited by the small number of studies that evaluate individual pesticides. Epidemiologic studies, although sometimes contradictory, have linked phenoxy acid herbicides or contaminants in them with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) and malignant lymphoma; organochlorine insecticides are linked with STS, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), leukemia, and, less consistently, with cancers of the lung and breast; organophosphorous compounds are linked with NHL and leukemia; and triazine herbicides with ovarian cancer.”

2. Cut out toxic cleaners for your home. Many cleaners contain formaldehyde, phenols, ammonia and other harmful products known to cause cancer. Go back to basics and use good old fashioned white vinegar to clean your home!

3. Cut out toxic toiletries – many cosmetics also contain harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, sodium lauryl Sulphate (SLS), which when added to other ingredients like those in shampoo, can form nitrosamines that are carcinogenic. Talc has been known to cause ovarian cancer if it is used on the genital area. Buy only environmentally friendly toiletries.

4. Weigh up the pros and cons carefully before you have a vaccine. All vaccines have never been tested for their carcinogenic affect. For instance, the Gardasil vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet says 'Gardasil has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity'. Vaccines also contain cancer causing agents like formaldehyde, aluminium, thimerosal (a 50% mercury compound) and sodium borate.

5. Reduce the amount on time you spend on your cell phone or at your computer. Too much exposure to electromagnetic fields created by these items are known to trigger cancer. This is because electromagnetic fields suppress the production of melatonin, allowing tumors to grow. Melatonin stops cancer and regulates sleep. Children are more susceptible to the affects of computers and cell phones than adults.

Sources: Cancer Causes Control. 1997 May;8(3):420-43.
Merck and Co. Inc, data sheet for Gardasil, July 2007

Joanna is a freelance health writer for The Mother magazine and Suite 101 with a column on infertility, http://infertility.suite101.com/
She is author of the book, 'Breast Milk: A Natural Immunisation' and co-author of an educational resource on disabled parenting, in addition to running a charity for people damaged by vaccines or medical mistakes.

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Anonymous (reply to Joanna Karpasea-Jones)

"y daughter had measles at 15 months (she's now 13 years). I think she got it from an MMR vaccinated boy as he'd just had his shot and his mum brought him straight from the clinic and sat him next to my daughter and he was crying so the playgroup leader asked why and she said he's just had the MMR shot. It's live so 2 weeks later after the incubation period, my daughter came out with it. She got the text book sticky eyes, fever, rash etc. I didn't use antipyretics and I didn't give food. Just loads of water and an electric fan. She recovered fine, no side-effects and didn't get ill again - not even with a cold - for nearly a year."

You are referring to "shedding of a virus". However, with measles, and the time frame you mention, it is just notpossible. The measles injection would have to had opportunity to grown in the throat, and there was just not enough time for that to happen. Second, the measles virus is highly attenuated, i.e. weakened, and there would need to be direct fluid exchange.

What is more likely is that your daughter was exposed to someone who had the wild virus which is highly contagious.

June 11, 2009 - 6:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

CIR publication. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate. Journal of the American College of Toxicology. 1983 Vol. 2 (No. 7) pages 127-181.


June 10, 2009 - 3:22am

Hi Freespeaker, I didn't notice you there. Gee, you're so polite :)

Granted, the doses of SLS are higher in a lab environment, but (and you'll probably shoot me for this), anything that causes that type of thing is not going to be GOOD for the body, it's just that in tiny amounts you can handle it better.

Even if there is debate on the issue, if there is an alternative, for instance a baby shampoo without SLS and formaldehyde etc, wouldn't you as parent prefer to give that to your baby? People say that there are so many chemicals we are exposed to all the time and that is true, but surely that's an argument to be more cautious and try to reduce chemical exposure as much as possible? Especially with the 7% per year rise in cancer in under 16's?

I am a mother myself and I know for a fact I'd never wash my child in anything that had these types of chemicals in. Even with baby wipes, I check carefully.

Cancer is not just a disease of aging. As I stated before, it is rising 7% per year in under 16's and it is the 2nd leading cause of death in children in the States (the first leading cause is accidents). See


This refers to California but it is similar USA wide and in the UK.

I am aware that sometimes people still die of plague, but hardly any do in comparision to the 14th centuary. This BBC news report said 108 deaths from plague occured WORLDWIDE in 1992. As sad as that is, it's nothing if you consider the population of the world. More people die of asthma than that.


In previous centuries, even the early 20th, people had no welfare system, no abundant food supply - if you were too poor you didn't eat. They had no sewerage system so people were drinking their own waste. There was massive overcrowding and no contraception so women were having 20 babies each. They were malnourished through repeated pregnancy so their babies were born at a disadvantage to start with. We didn't have antibiotics. To compare the disease rates from then is just not even relevant to the situation people are in today.

The HPA stats start at 1940 when there was no measles vaccine. And they still stated on their page that all the deaths apart from the one in 1992 were in older people, so there were no child deaths since 1940 aside from 1, with no vaccine. It's the adults who were dying. The single measles vaccine came into the UK in 1968 (sorry, I don't know when it came into the States, I'm not American) and the MMR was intoduced here in 1988.

Maybe the HPA are wrong about all those deaths being in older people but that is what it says on their site. I also phoned them and they couldn't tell me anymore information and I emailed the UK department of health and asked them about it. They couldn't answer and told me they were unable to add to my comments.

I am aware that diseases kill a lot of third world people, for the same reasons they used to kill people here, but it's still wrong to market vaccine campaigns on third world figures.


That WHO page says:


So, no, I don't think that everyone will start dying if we don't do it. Even in the third world, because they have no clean water and no sewerage then even if they jab them, they are going to die anyway. You can't prevent disease without sorting out the cause of the problem. I found an interesting article where medics were trying to vaccinate for polio but wouldn't give the people clean water. I thought it was totally crazy that medics would try a campaign in conditions like that, and leave the people in sewerage. But I guess getting them a good water supply and cleaning up the rubbish doesn't make them money like vaccines...


I know it's not really specific to my article, but as you brought it up, I am responding.

June 9, 2009 - 3:59pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Joanna Karpasea-Jones)

One comment, and then off to bed.

You are making the same false argument that the anti-vaccinationists make, i.e, that the only serious complication of measles is death. Far from it. There is a pesky thing called measles encephalitis which can cause serious brain damage.

"Measles causes ear infections in nearly one out of every 10 children who get it. As many as one out of 20 children with measles gets pneumonia, and about one child in every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis. (This is an inflammation of the brain that can lead to convulsions, and can leave your child deaf or mentally retarded.) For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die from it. Measles can also make a pregnant woman have a miscarriage, give birth prematurely, or have a low-birth-weight baby.

In developing countries, where malnutrition and vitamin A deficiency are prevalent, measles has been known to kill as many as one out of four people. It is the leading cause of blindness among African children. Measles kills almost 1 million children in the world each year."


June 9, 2009 - 6:46pm

No, I meant melantonin can stop cancer from happening in the first place, not that it cures tumors - I should probably have worded that differently. Thank you for pointing out the misunderstanding.

June 9, 2009 - 2:55pm
EmpowHER Guest

I still think you are being alarmist about SLS, you should take the doses into account;
I probably overinterpreted your statement on melatonin thinkging that you thought melatonin can "cure" tumors and I won't take this further.
Thirdly, of course we are swapping infectious diseases for something else to die/suffer of.
Because we've got to die of something in the end, and if it's not infection, it's the breaking down of physical functions. This includes control of cell growth = cancer.

June 9, 2009 - 11:00am

That post was mine, it didn't put my name again. Don't know why some of the links didn't work but if you click on the one that does, it'll take you to the pubmed site that has a TON of info on it about melatonin and cancer.

June 9, 2009 - 5:52am
EmpowHER Guest


See here for info on SLS. It's a data sheet:


It is listed as being mutagenic. Substances which cause mutations in cells are thought to cause cancer, although there is no information on its carcinogenic status. As a matter of caution it is sensible to avoid any substance which mutates.

It can also cause death in humans and has caused death in lab animals. It says repeated exposure can cause a deterioration in health as it accumulates in human organs. This damage could potentially cause cancer as a secondary effect because everyone knows that if you have a weakened immune system / poor general health you are more likely to get cancer.

It has also caused infertility in animals according to this data sheet. You are supposed to wear protective clothing when around it, not inhale it etc etc. It can cause dermatitis if you put it on the skin and asthma if you inhale it and it caused blindness in baby animals during tests, in other studies I read.

It's certainly not something you would want to bath your baby in and with it being mutagenic I would err on the side of caution. There are natural hair washing products that don't contain SLS so it's not a necessary product.

Melatonin is known by scientists to be produced in darkness. If you sleep in total darkness without a night light then its production aids your sleep. If you don't get enough sleep in total darkness and you are sitting for many hours in front of computers and under artificial lighting then your body cannot produce as much melatonin and this puts you at risk of sleep disturbance, depression and cancer.

Here are some medical studies about it:





These are just a few. There are loads of studies on the importance of melatonin in suppressing cancer and melatonin cannot be produced effectively in light so our constantly lit environments are causing a problem.

As for vaccines, I personally believe (and this part is my opinion) that diseases of childhood don't kill in massive numbers anymore, except in the third world. If you check the HPA link I provided further up on another post, you will see that there as only been 1 measles death in a child in the UK since records began in 1940 (2 if you count the child with a lung disease). All the other deaths listed are in adults.

The plague used to kill 1 in 3 people back in the 14th century. Now it only causes a handful of deaths. Scarlet fever stopped killing people. That never had a vaccine, so did typhus. I think that the concept of vaccination is a good one, but I don't think it always works the way it is supposed to and I think we are swapping our infectious disease rates for chronic disease. We now have 1 in 3 with cancer, so many with allergies, AIDS, etc.

I think that if the health profession genuinely want to assert that vaccines are completely safe then they have to do the studies on cancer, mutagenicity and fertility that they currently do not do (according to all manufacturer's data sheets for various vaccines). And if they don't, then they should at least be honest about the fact that they haven't, and routinely give these leaflets to parents so that they are at least aware of the issue.

The absence of these studies is not good enough, and to do them and prove that there is no cancer risk would make more people want to vaccinate.

To not discuss the issue and cover up the data sheets will not engender trust in people who are trying to decide the best health care for their children.

June 9, 2009 - 5:49am
(reply to Anonymous)

Joanna: "To not discuss the issue and cover up the data sheets will not engender trust in people who are trying to decide the best health care for their children."

There you go again, relying on the MSDS for medical information. The MSDS is useful in industrial settings. In medical settings, it is not. You see, as I have pointed out to you, in Toxicology 101, the concept of "dose makes the poison" is taught. You do really need to begin to get to understand some chemistry and toxicology.

June 9, 2009 - 2:29pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Joanna: "As for vaccines, I personally believe (and this part is my opinion) that diseases of childhood don't kill in massive numbers anymore, except in the third world. If you check the HPA link I provided further up on another post, you will see that there as only been 1 measles death in a child in the UK since records began in 1940 (2 if you count the child with a lung disease). All the other deaths listed are in adults."

FreeSpeaker: The very reason why these diseases have disappeared is becuase of vaccines. When one removes vaccines, or the overall population uptake decreases, the disease re-appear. Right now in the UK there is a nasty resurgence of Measles and Mumps. In the US, there is a resurgence of vaccine preventable meningitis.

The plague used to kill 1 in 3 people back in the 14th century.

In September 1968, my platoon walked into a Vietnamese village which had a most unusual stench of death. There were dead in the huts and out in the fields. Our medic called in a physician who immediately recognized that the village had been decimated by plague. We evac'd the living, and torched the village. We then left, and the Air Force napalmed the area.

Only 40 years ago. And, if you check WHO, you would see that it is still a cause of significant death worldwide.

Now it only causes a handful of deaths.

Not really. Do more research.

Scarlet fever stopped killing people. That never had a vaccine, so did typhus.

Typhus is spread by infected lice. A vaccine was developed, and was effective. Cleanliness and antibiotics cleaned up the rest.

I think that the concept of vaccination is a good one, but I don't think it always works the way it is supposed to and I think we are swapping our infectious disease rates for chronic disease. We now have 1 in 3 with cancer, so many with allergies, AIDS, etc.

Assuming you are correct (that there is some causal link) let's go back to the good old days, where more children did not survive childhood.

Cancer is a disease of aging. The more old people, more cancer.

June 9, 2009 - 2:26pm
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