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Can you get pregnant from missing pills after unprotected sex?

By Anonymous January 22, 2010 - 12:31pm
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I am a first day starter and missed the first pill of my pack (started a day late) I take Yaz. according to the pill pack, it says missing only one in the first week requires no back up protection. At the end of that first week (The day after the last day of withdrawal bleeding) I had unprotected sex, though my partner withdrew. On Tuesday and Wednesday (the sex was on sunday) I missed my pills, and doubled up on Thursday and Friday. What are the chances of pregancy?

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Hello, I had unprotected sex with my partner on Monday, he pulled out way before. I have been on birth control for 6 months and take it regularly and just started my new pack this past Sunday. I forgot to take it Tuesday morning and therefore took two this Wednesday morning. I am concerned, my pill packet says missing one active pill will not result in needing extra contraception. However, since I had sex Monday and missed one active pill Tuesday morning could I be pregnant?

March 16, 2016 - 8:47am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

I think you should have been protected because you said he pulled out way before and you took a pill on Sunday, Monday and made up for the missed Tuesday dose correctly.

Continue taking your pills and if you still have concerns, please speak with your gynecologist.


March 16, 2016 - 9:08am
EmpowHER Guest

I've made 2 mistakes with my pill:
1st one was last month Jan I took my pills as normal but I forgot to take the last pill in my pack on the Sunday and had sex on the Saturday night so I ended up having an 8 day break and then starting up again as normal. I had a bleed during the 8 day break so I'm assuming pregnancy isn't an issue??
But 2 weeks later I've started getting cramping around my uterus and I don't usually get any feelings of cramping until a couple of days before I have my bleed so I'm a bit unsure as to what it could be.

The second mistake I made was recently which was I forgot to take 2 pills in a row (sat & sun) and had sex on the Saturday night this was week 2 out of my pack I've not made them up though I just carried on taking them from Monday and I'm due a bleed next week hopefully. I'm just wondering what my chances are of pregnancy on both these occasions?

As well as the recent cramping I've been getting really really tired, and I've been getting hot flushes throughout the day.

February 22, 2016 - 10:09am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymouss,

Correct. The bleed in January confirmed that you did not become pregnant.

With the second mistake, missing two pills in a row and not making up for the missed doses and having intercourse does pose a risk.
Continue taking your pills daily and see what happens. You could always check with your gynecologist.


February 22, 2016 - 10:43am
EmpowHER Guest

If you don't take a break in between the pill and take 2 packs directly after each other and miss a tablet on the 2nd week of the 1st pack but take it correctly are you at a lower risk of pregnancy when you have unprotected sex

February 19, 2016 - 6:31pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

By taking it correctly, do you mean that you made up for the missed dose?

If you made up for the missed dose by taking two pills, then yes, you are at a lower risk of pregnancy.


February 22, 2016 - 10:31am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Yes I made up for the missed pill later that night just over 12 hours later and took my next pill at the normal time the next morning. This was on last Thursday can I stop the pill tomorrow or should I continue onto the next pack?

February 22, 2016 - 10:42am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

Are you taking active pills without a break to prevent getting a period? Has your gynecologist advised you to do this?

I hesitate to advise you either way. You need to talk to your gynecologist.


February 22, 2016 - 10:49am
EmpowHER Guest


I skipped my pill (tricyclen) Sunday and Monday which was on my third week than doubled up Tuesday and wednesday than took my normal Thursday one than was suppose to take my new pack instead of taking my placebo pill on Friday but I didn't I just took that week off of pills than had unprotected sex that Saturday and Sunday . I am suppose to take my pills starting today should I? I have been feeling so bloated and frequent urination and sick. Could I be experiencing pregnancy symptoms only about 6 days after sex? Could I be pregnant or is this symptoms from missing the pill?

February 19, 2016 - 1:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

I started birth control last week wed, i forgot to take it fri and sat and had sex sat could i be pregnant? I take ortho tricyclen

February 18, 2016 - 7:08pm
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