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Is it normal for my arm muscle in my shoulder to hurt 2 weeks after flu shot?

By December 7, 2008 - 7:32am
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Pain from flu shot

I was happy to receive the flu shot this year, as I feel like it's "doing my part" to stop the spread of the influenza virus. Plus, any inoculation that can either prevent, or lessen the symptoms, of flu is motivation to me!

I've received the flu shot annually, for the past 10 years. I have the typical soreness at site, possibly a little tired that evening. But that's it.

This year...my shoulder muscle (at the site of the injection) is still painful, so much that I can't move my arm forward at shoulder-level, or lift my arm up over my head, without a sharp pain in that one muscle. If my arm is still, it does not hurt. It is affecting my sleep, as I am confined to sleeping on only my right side (it is my left arm that hurts).

Are there any other reports of this flu shot symptom? Did I just not move my arm enough after the shot (kind of "favored it"), or is there something else wrong??

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Hi everyone. I'm back with some good news. I had my flu shot back on Oct.8,09. All the same symptoms. My shot was too high on the arm and with an oversized needle (usually used for buttocks injections). Had an MRI done and they couldn't rule out a small tear in the rotator cuff..but did find bursitis and signs of arthritis. My Dr. felt it was "Chemical Bursitis" likely caused by the injection. After painful phys therapy and ultimately accepting the idea of another injection...a corisone shot...I'm better. It really was the Cortisone injection that did it. After 4 days, the pain was almost gone. At this point it only hurts in one position, when raised high and back a bit...oh, and if I reach too far out. I had the cortisone inj. 9 weeks ago. Good Luck to you all. I guess we will never know for sure if it was a bad batch or improperly injected.... This is the only place to vent.

May 5, 2010 - 10:54am
EmpowHER Guest

I think the problem started with the injection, but the persistent pain developed probably because you slept on the injected shoulder in the beginning. Sleeping on the healthy shoulder helps, but it may still be painful because the affected shoulder becomes unstable while lying on the unaffected shoulder. Besides, it is quite possible that you may turn over and lie on your painful shoulder after falling asleep. The best sleeping position for shoulder pain patients is the supine position provided that the patient does not suffer from sleep apnea. Sleeping on the back may be painful in the beginning, but it provides stability to the shoulder without inflicting undue pressure. To prevent turning around during sleep you may try sleeping in a recliner or a bed with an elevated back.

May 4, 2010 - 2:45pm

I too have the arm pain after the H1N1 shot. I got mine in Nov of 09. I have had physical therapy, gone to the chiropractor, and taken Tylenol by the truckload and nothing helped. So, I went to a neurologist and had an EMG done. He said I have irritation of the superficial nerves in my arm. He has put me on Neurontin, and it seems to be helping. There HAD to be something wrong with the vaccine, because the shot was done and placed properly. I have had flu shots for 20 years with no problems till this one. It makes me angry that I am going on the 6th month of pain and inability to move my arm without pain. I would like to kick the drug manufactures in the rear for doing this to all of us.....

April 17, 2010 - 7:29pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello Everyone: I recieved the flu shot in October of 2009 I have posted several times on here under the intials ML after many months of agony and pain I am happy to report my days are pretty much pain free now. There are still times my arm will give me a fit if I have over exerted it but I have slowly been able to use it more and more with no pain. I still continue to take a vitamin B complex and an extra B-6 daily. I read that it helps heal nerve damage which I feel is what was wrong with my arm after receieving the shot. Time seems to be the only thing that really makes a difference with this. Of course I took pain medication ect..while waiting it out. I did see my Dr. a couple of times with no real answers and I did not have an MRI done. I will never have another flu shot but that is an individual choice everyone has to make. I doubt it would happen again its just not a risk I am willing to take not after all this. My best wishes to all of you. ML

April 16, 2010 - 7:45am
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

ML - Thanks so much for taking the time to come back and let us know that you're doing so much better after dealing with this problem for the past six months or so. It's pretty amazing how long this thread's been going, and each person who's able to show progress and improvement is a help to everyone else. Thank you for your best wishes, and you have ours as well. Take care, Pat

April 16, 2010 - 4:08pm

It is amazing how long this thread has kept alive. I, like everybody else, had a shot (doesn't seem to matter what it was for, but mine was the seasonal flu vaccine) and within an hour I was in serious pain and within 2 hours I was unable to move my arm at all. That was on October 14,2009. My arm still hurts, I am still unable to sleep on it, I am unable to lift anything over a pound with that arm and if I should move it the wrong way.... screaming is the immediate reaction. 6 months and nothing seems to help. Is arm removal an option? lol After reading 75% of the postings I am going to try taking an anti-inflammatory of some kind and heavy does of vitamin B (I have read several medical sites that say vit B helps the nerves heal) just in case this is nerve damage of some sort and home version of physical therapy. Six months of this and it's not getting better... something has to be done. Unfortunately I do not have health insurance and money is very tight so going to the doctors to do a variety of tests isn't possible.

April 15, 2010 - 7:40pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger

Anons - In case you missed it, here is another thread on this same topic in which people describe various methods used to relieve the pain. Most have been surprised by how long it has taken. I hope you're able to find some ideas that are helpful, and that you'll keep us posted on your own progress. Take care, Pat

April 9, 2010 - 6:14pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I had the flu shot at work 3 weeks ago and my shoulder is still sore. I thought maybe I had pulled a muscle but really knew I had not been doing anything for this to have happened. The symptoms that everyone has described pretty much sums up my symptoms. If I fall asleep on my left side it feels like I have a "dead" arm. I will get some B group vitamins and hope this helps. Hope it doesnt take as long as some people have described to get better.

April 9, 2010 - 3:45am
EmpowHER Guest

I don't know how to log in...not computer smart.
But after six weeks of severe muscle pain I thought perhaps it could be due to the flu shot. I cannot move my arm up or out or sleep on my right side. I have always had trouble with my traps getting jammed and my neck and shoulders hurting. But after massages and yoga and relaxation and stretch exercises the muscle still hurts in my left arm, and I am right handed. It occurred to me tonight that maybe it could be due to the flu shot. I googled flu shot muscle pain...and sure enough other people are complaining of the very same symptoms I have.

March 2, 2010 - 9:40pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm having the same problem. My Dr. today just told me to put heat on it.

March 2, 2010 - 4:47pm
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