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Is it normal for my arm muscle in my shoulder to hurt 2 weeks after flu shot?

By December 7, 2008 - 7:32am
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Pain from flu shot

I was happy to receive the flu shot this year, as I feel like it's "doing my part" to stop the spread of the influenza virus. Plus, any inoculation that can either prevent, or lessen the symptoms, of flu is motivation to me!

I've received the flu shot annually, for the past 10 years. I have the typical soreness at site, possibly a little tired that evening. But that's it.

This year...my shoulder muscle (at the site of the injection) is still painful, so much that I can't move my arm forward at shoulder-level, or lift my arm up over my head, without a sharp pain in that one muscle. If my arm is still, it does not hurt. It is affecting my sleep, as I am confined to sleeping on only my right side (it is my left arm that hurts).

Are there any other reports of this flu shot symptom? Did I just not move my arm enough after the shot (kind of "favored it"), or is there something else wrong??

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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you Pat for listening to all of us! I am still having pain somedays are better than others. I am considering doing the MRI if my insurance will approve it. Hang in there everyone we will get through this together. ML

December 9, 2009 - 5:39pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger

Hi all - Thanks again for so generously sharing the information you're learning. The more we know the more people who can be helped. Your shares are appreciated! Pat

December 9, 2009 - 5:09pm

Finally received a steroid injection in my arm. The doctor said the injection was given in the bursa and would've taken months to clear up. I was going on 2 1/2 months. So I urge you to continue moving your arms (to keep from getting a frozen shoulder) I also found a great article on this website: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TD4-4KV8MRP-1&_user=4275&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1095754328&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000000938&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=4275&md5=8cc02cfc0d176bc0b7301edee8ce8c8e

December 9, 2009 - 1:17pm
EmpowHER Guest

Same thing has happened to me, pain in upper arm on left hand side, feels like someone punched it, and pain where my lymph nodes are too sometimes. Had blood tests everything came back fine. All started almost immediately following flu shot.

I think it was something they put in the flu shot this year.. I don't know how long this is supposed to last but I hope it goes away soon.

December 9, 2009 - 1:11pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

The naproxen (Aleve) I've been taking has helped with the pain. X-rays were negative. I'd suspect that most of the people here are suffering from bursitis.


Its going to take an MRI to diagnose this... le sigh.

December 9, 2009 - 1:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

My husband has been in terrible pain for 3 weeks since his shot. I consulted a friend who is a RMT and she suspects that the Axillary nerve has been nicked. Amytriptaline or other tri-cycline antidepressants are supposed to help, so we tried that and the shooting pains stopped. (luckily we have an open minded GP who agreed with our internet findings!) The ache is still present and of course he is terribly sleepy. The good news is that at least he can sleep! He is being scheduled for an ultrasound but it may take weeks for him to get one.

December 7, 2009 - 2:48pm
EmpowHER Guest

I received my annual flu shot three months ago and I also am having the sharp pain in my arm radiating from the injection site down my arm to elbow. Some days are worse than others, last night was bad, waking me up with jabbing pain many times during the night. Advil does help but I cannot take it on a regular basis because it upsets my stomach. The pain is not as widespread as it was a month ago, then it was was traveling down my arm to my fingers and certain movements were terribly painful, that has since gone, I hope. I will never get another flu injection again and only hope this has not caused permanent damage. I did talk to my doctor about it because at first I thought the needle had broken off in my arm, thats how it felt. I was assured that it had not and that this pain was unusual and it should shortly subside, that was months ago. After reading other posts I think it is fruitless to seek help from the medical field. It does seem that most people who are suffering feel that the injections were given too high and some nerve damage has been done. I tell others to make sure that they tell there nurse to place the injection in the proper spot.

December 6, 2009 - 4:54pm
EmpowHER Guest

Sept 11, 2009 was my shot...and still in pain...radiates between deep in my shoulder joint, to just around the injection site. Sleeping is near impossible as it hurts more when laying down or any movement on it.
I teach preschool and also teach afterschool sports, so my arm is in continual movement...sadly it's a lot weaker than it used to be. While the pain seems to have eased up a tiny bit...it's 3 months after the shot and still nowhere near being pain free. I hope it heals and I hope it ends soon. I can deal with it as long as I know it will eventually subside.
Unfortunately I am without medical insurance and until I can carry it on my own, I will not be able to get to a doctor for prednisone, or any other meds or tests.
I wish all of us health and healing...so glad we have this space to reach out, help and encourage each other.
hang in there!

December 5, 2009 - 3:33pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger

Hi everyone - Thanks for continuing to share. This information is helping everyone. I know I will never look at a vaccine the same way again. :-) Pat

December 5, 2009 - 1:13pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, well it's been maybe 2-3 months now and still have pain in my shoulders, now especially the right arm where the flu shot was given... when I have to raise my arm high there's pain, and painful shoulders all the time.....if I knew this I would have stopped my doc as when I got it at CVS there was no problem. Again I think it was given too high; I'have been given 2 rounds of prednisone, it helps but can't keep doing that.

December 4, 2009 - 10:55am
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