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Best Ways To Keep Kids Entertained During Holiday Travel

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My husband and I have three boys under the age of seven. We travel throughout the year and usually around the holiday season. Car trips (while still not pleasant) are less stressful for me only because I know that a meltdown will not be an inconvenience for another traveler. This is the reason that just thinking about taking my family on a flight can make me break into a sweat. For the most part, my kids are really good during traveling but I consider them a bit like animals; they can be unpredictable.

Over the years I have had much experience in traveling (especially air travel) with young children. Here is my list of the best ways to keep kids busy and happy as you travel.
1. Portable DVD, laptop, or other video device
No, I do not make it a habit to let my kids zone out for hours watching anything usually but during travel, all bets are off. It is a special occasion, that’s it. I don’t care if you have to beg or borrow (but please, don’t steal) one of these devices from someone you know. If you can get one, make sure it is charged and you are loaded with shows for them to watch (Don’t forget headphones for your little ones. The free airline kinds are not a great fit for kids). And when you pack, don’t forget to bring a book for yourself. You might even get to read it.

2. Snacks
Do not leave the house without packing food for your kids. This is the only guarantee that you will have decent snacks throughout your travel. I usually have fruit, fresh veggies, pretzels, and other healthy options as well as lollipops and the emergency bags of M & Ms. Be careful not to bring drinks (even the smallest juice boxes have always been taken from me as I pass security.) I also stay away from bringing yogurt and applesauce since I have actually had those items taken before too. There are new rules about taking breast milk through security so double check before you fly if this applies to you. Be sure to include a frozen ice pack if you have cheese or anything that should stay cold. I prepackage everything in small ziploc baggies and am sure to have them in a carry-on that is stowed under my seat instead of overhead. If I owned an airline, I would also make it a rule that all kids should get their drinks before any other passengers.

3. Flight gifts
Find inexpensive gifts and wrap them each individually. Whenever they need a distraction, pull another gift. (I also bring a small plastic bag to collect the trash. I like to keep the flight attendants happy with me in case I need something from them.) My travel gifts include stickers, sticker books, travel games, and mini toy airplanes.

4. Something to read
When or if they get sick of the movies, always have a couple of good books to pull out of your bag. The best ones are like the Richard Scarry books that have many things to look at on each page. Flap books are great for younger children. Even if you finish reading it, you can create a game to go back through and find all things that are the same color on a given page or all things that start with a certain letter. “I Spy” books are also great for travel.

5. Something to draw, color, or do
For three or under, I bring Crayola’s Color Wonder Markers and pages or coloring books. If you don’t know, with this product the color only shows up on the special pages so they won’t be coloring all over the plane, seats or themselves. Older kids will love drawing pads to illustrate or write about their trip. Encourage them to take notes or draw pictures of things that will remind them about the vacation. Don’t forget travel size boxes of crayon, pens and/ or pencils. With blank paper and something to write with you can play tic tac toe or word games like hangman. Any kind of activity book should also keep their attention. The last flight I found and activity book on the United States. Not only did we work on the activities but we talked about all the states that we were flying over and facts about them. It was kind of like school on a plane.

Before a trip, I always ask other parents how they keep their kids busy during travel. The more ideas that you have and the more prepared you are, the more enjoyable it will be for everyone. Try to pack light but smart when it comes to your carry-ons. What’s your favorite advice for traveling with children?

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HERWriter Blogger

Great article! I have 3 kids under 5 so I can totally relate. Thanks for the tips!

July 29, 2011 - 11:49am
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