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San Francisco Banning Circumcision?

By HERWriter
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San Francisco is in the news again. Last week, it was the kids' meal toy ban and this week it is about banning circumcision.

The San Francisco Examiner states Lloyd Schofield is proposing a ballot measure to ban circumcision in the city of San Francisco. But to actually get the measure on the November 2011 ballot, Schofield will have to collect 7,168 signatures by April 26, 2011.

However, if the measure passes in November 2011, the measure would change San Francisco's police code to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18. The punishment for those who choose to cut away anyway would be up to a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison.

Schofield told KCBS-TV news, "It is genital mutilation. It's a man's body and his body doesn't belong to his culture, his government, his religion or even his parents. It's his decision." Also Schofield said, ʺa man should decide whether or not he wants to be circumcised and that the decision should not be made by anyone else.ʺ

According to the New York Times, the circumcision rate for newborn boys in the United States has dropped steadily over the last four years. Based on the largest review of U.S. rates ever completed, the CDC reported only 32 percent of boys underwent circumcision in 2009, down from 56 percent in 2006.

Some supporters of male circumcision say it leads to better hygiene and some say circumcised penises reduce the spread of H.I.V. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not come out for or against the practice. Scientists with the Centers for Disease Control are still studying whether circumcisions are a healthier choice and have promised recommendations to the public.

ʺMost medical groups have not come out with strong opinions regarding pro or con circumcisions, ʺ said CBS 5 medical reporter Dr. Kim Mulvihill. ʺMost are saying leave it up to the families, let them decide what’s right for their son.ʺ

ʺYou shouldn’t be performing cosmetic surgery for other people,ʺ said Schofield. Also, Schofield points out that female circumcision is currently banned but was once covered by Blue Cross insurance in the United States into the 1970s.

ʺTattooing a child is banned as a felony and circumcision is more harmful than a tattoo, ʺ said Schofield, who believes religious traditions should change. ʺPeople can practice whatever religion they want but your religious practice ends with someone else’s body.ʺ

How do you feel about circumcision? Is it genital mutilation? Also, how do you feel about the government telling you if you can or can’t circumcise your son?


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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Interestingly, that correlation was brought forth in a trial in Calif recently when a Mexican gang member tattooed his minor son with a gang insignia. Now, if the question had been about mutilating the boy's penis, he wouldn't have been sentenced to prison as he was for his role in tattooing the boy.

April 11, 2011 - 12:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

It's ironic that this article asks, "...how do you feel about the government telling you if you can or can’t circumcise your son?" Does anyone think to ask, "How does your son feel about having a part of his genitals removed before he has time to formulate his own sexuality, decision-making ability, or language skills?"

November 17, 2010 - 9:16am
EmpowHER Guest

It's time someone said it, loud and clear: that infant circumcision -- including so-called "religious" infant circumcision -- is an atrocity and a fraud; that it's a brutal, perverse, outrageous violation of a helpless human being's right to his own body; that it's child sexual abuse in its most vicious, most destructive, most cunningly disguised form; that it literally censors a child's life -- kills part of the child -- even if he never realizes it, because it severs him from a uniquely specialized, uniquely sensitive means of perceiving, experiencing, sharing and enjoying his existence; that the reasons given to justify it are myths and lies; that it's the ugliest, saddest, most sickening scandal in the history of medicine and an infamy to societies that tolerate it and to institutions that sanctify it; and that anyone involved even remotely with cutting, tearing, crushing or burning off the foreskins of babies -- or anyone else by force, coercion or deceit -- is as guilty of causing human suffering as the monsters of Auschwitz and in the name of humanity should be exposed, confronted, stopped, brought to trial, and imprisoned.

Regardless of anyone's "reason" for circumcising a baby, the fact remains that infant circumcision is foreskin amputation by force -- the deliberate, irreversible destruction of a normal, natural, functional part of someone else's body -- living, protective, erogenous tissue that is rightfully his and that he instinctively wants to keep intact -- at a time in his life when he can't understand what is being done to him -- or why -- and can't speak for or protect himself.

Infant circumcision is, in other words, human vivisection -- legalized, institutionalized, sanctified human vivisection.

Reason and attempts at persuasion will not deter those who, driven by the compulsion to destroy what they secretly envy but can never have, and desperate to make their own tortured partial penises seem normal -- and for who knows what other god-awful reasons -- persist so relentlessly in defending, promoting, misrepresenting and performing this crippling, disfiguring mutilation.

The birthright of males -- all males -- to keep all of the penis they are born with must therefore be secured by law.

November 17, 2010 - 12:27am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Personally I believe I'm sensitive enough and circumcised, and I don't believe people like you should have a say for children that are not yours... Apparently you have some issues, maybe with your own parents, you should take care of that first... I had a great sex life and my wife enjoys my staying power, maybe you just don't know what you're talking about and that's why most circumcised people will circumcised their children.. also just for you to know a child circumcised when young will heal extremely fast; do that when you're an adult and that would be very painful...
In my opinion this is a direct attack on Jewish beliefs considering we are the one circumcising our children when they are 8 days old rather than 11 for Muslims... personally I'm glad I was that age when it happened, I'm just thankful to my parents to have given me my inheritance and birthright as a Jewish boy, and I would have felt betrayed in my Jewish identity if they didn't do so, even if it has been to protect me from any pain... When you All, well intentioned people will understand that it is a covenant between us and G.d, and it is part of our identity, then we might have an intelligent discussion... Either way this isn't for you to decide..

April 10, 2011 - 12:24am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Have you not heard yet that Jesus Christ has fulfilled the law and He established a New Covenant? Paul was very succinct in his warning to the Jews that if they were to continue to circumcise, they would stand guilty of all the law, thereby condemning themselves to eternal separation from God. The covenant in which you place your trust no longer has the power to save your soul. Unless you place your faith in the Messiah as your personal savior, it really doesn't matter how many sons you circumcise.

Now, as for the matter of whose right it is to decide, have you not considered that it is NOT YOUR PENIS when it's on your son? I find it my personal responsibility to tell you that, just as it my commission to tell you to kneel before the cross.

April 11, 2011 - 12:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

it should be a felony if you seen one that was done wrong Im sure you would agree

November 16, 2010 - 4:42pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I totally agree. Any doctor doing such a thing to a minor male should be prosecuted for sexual battery.

November 18, 2010 - 12:20pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to jimfromcalif)

you don't know sht and people like you should have a license before they're allowed to write anything

April 10, 2011 - 12:11am
(reply to Anonymous)

Well sir, I've studied circumcision and its effects for over fifty years, and I happen to know quite a bit about it. In the world, I'm recognized as one of the world's experts on the subject as well. What "sht" were you speaking of? What license would you propose, perhaps the one you took in slamming me?

April 11, 2011 - 12:27pm
EmpowHER Guest

Circumcision on an infant is absolutely mutilation. Look up the definition of the word. All claims of Health and hygiene benefits are based on pseudoscience - if you removed the entire penis you would have the most protection following their "logic". Also the foreskin is not just a flap of skin - it contains highly sensitive skin, multiple types of erotogenic tissues, arteries, blood vessels, and lymphatic systems. All in all the amputation removes close to 20,000 nerves (the clitoris has 8,000 nerves for comparison).

Your self-percieved "right" to circumcise your son denies his fundamental human right to an intact penis. Which at the age of consent he can choose to live the rest of his life intact or if he really wanted to he can circumcise himself.

November 16, 2010 - 7:00am
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