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Sex with an Uncircumcised Man

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I’ll be honest; I had to do a lot of research before sitting down to write this article. I have only come into contact with one uncircumcised penis during my short stint as a single adult woman, and it didn’t really seem to be that big of a deal at the time.

However, when it comes to uncircumcised (commonly spelled "uncercumsized") penises, there’s more than meets the eye . Approximately 50% of men are “uncut,” which is really how the penis is meant to be in the first place (not many men outside the United States are circumcised). Circumcision originated among ancient religious populations as a way to purify man by removing the source of his sexual pleasure. This tradition has held its ground into the 21st century, which can lead to quite a bit of confusion when a woman unexpectedly comes into contact with a penis au naturale.

It may surprise you to learn that the foreskin itself, before it is separated from its owner, is extremely sensitive to pleasure. During circumcision two very important things are removed that will never grow back: the frenulum, the band near the tip of the penis that connects the foreskin with the glans, and then of course, the foreskin and all the nerve endings that go along with it.

Not only are these sources of pleasure eliminated during circumcision, but the shaft of the penis is left unprotected and slowly loses its responsiveness through a process called keratinization. In an article published in Fathering Magazine, Rio Cruz explains that “the male glans and inner foreskin, just like the clitoris and inner labia of women, are actually internal structures covered by mucous membrane that, when exposed to the air and harsh environment through circumcision, develop a tough, dry covering to protect the delicate, sensitive tissue.”

The main difference in having sex with an uncircumcised penis is that the foreskin acts as a glider of sorts, and it stays in place while the glans and shaft continue to thrust. This leads to less friction in the vagina and thus a more pleasurable experience for the female. For circumcised men who are experiencing gradual loss of sensation throughout the course of their lifetime, there actually is a process of foreskin restoration that involves the use of tape and weights (?).

So when all is said and done, you (and your partner) are actually likely to have much better sex with a penis that is uncircumcised. If you’re performing oral sex and looking for tips, just focus your efforts on the ridge just below the glans and use your hand to help the foreskin go with the flow. That's all there is to it!

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Did you bother to check out the study?

I am only telling you what a peer-reviewed study in the BJU showed--there most women who have had normal and circumcised sex agree with me, and very few agree with you..so much for NO EXCEPTIONS.

You also might want to check out this article:


March 22, 2010 - 3:40pm
(reply to Robert)

In my experience with both circumcised and uncircumcised, it didn't matter to me. However, I will add that one of the uncircumcised (Europeans) decided to get circumcised. So, if indeed, few agree with me, I'd bet the study was (insert chuckle) flawed!!!!!!! I never counted on Cosmo magazine or anyone/thing else to tell me the the absolute protocol for satisfying sex. I appreciate that you feel confident in your circumcision status, thanks for your comments. lslassiter

March 24, 2010 - 6:01am
(reply to lslassiter)

An anecdote of one has more weight than a peer-reviewed study?

And your evidence that the study was flawed is?

And how many millions of non Jewish, Muslim, and American intact men choose NOT to get circumcised?

Have you READ the study yet, or are you thinking your OPINION and anecdotes somehow over-ride it?

March 24, 2010 - 6:36am
(reply to Robert)

Robert, this whole forum is for the empowerment of women. I am a woman and you are not. So, just curious, do you spend all your time on our website blasting us women for making comments and opinions on our comment pages? Or, perhaps, you are not really reading my posts either. In any case, I won't be returning to this ridiculous discussion thread with your name on it. You are obviously deluded into thinking that what you reference as a study is more important than my personal experience. For that, I am dismayed that you are allowed on the site. Actually, from what I can tell, you have only bothered to comment on this topic (insecure about your choice?). It seems you don't care about the real topic, that is, a woman's opinion. So, go spout your venom somewhere else.

March 30, 2010 - 12:30pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to lslassiter)

Islassiter, if you happened upon a men's website and one of the threads was discussing female circumcision, would you try to discourage women who had been circumcised from posting their opinion? If not, why not? It certainly seems the men posting here have an investment in the issue superior to your's. Is it just that you circumcised your own son and don't like what you are seeing here? Is it just that you want to shut down any discussion that makes you feel uncomfortable?

Frank O'Hara


March 30, 2010 - 5:18pm

Whoa, Robert, you were doing pretty good on your comment trail until this one. I think a skilled lover is the important ingredient that women prefer, not the status of the penis that comes with it (oops, no pun intended!). In my experience, the size and, in this discussion, the wrapping are NOT what is important to create a preferred sexual encounter. I find the quality of the experience is always about the skills learned by the lover vs. the equipment. NO EXCEPTIONS. Hmm, I don't know for sure but I would think that there would be a lot of men and women who would agree with me. Thanks for your comments, lslassiter

March 22, 2010 - 2:06pm
(reply to lslassiter)

It's not all or nothing. Nobody is saying a skilled lover isn't important, but other things (such as skill) being equal, having a complete penis is going to be better than a reduced one, and the ideal will be a skilled lover with everything he was born with. Take it the other way, doubtless a virtuoso lover could manage with no penis at all, but most of us are not virtuosi, and it certainly doesn't hurt to have the best instrument to play on.

March 22, 2010 - 11:08pm

"You have discovered what most people in the world already know--why European men have the reputation for being good lovers, and American men are considered poor lovers--you can't be a good lover with defective equipment.

If you like dry, abrasive, hard-pounding sex that usually lasts only a few minutes (sometimes thankfully), a circumcised man is right up your alley.

But, if you like smooth, languorous, pleasurable sex, find an intact man.

A study of women who have had both normal and circumcised sex,showed that the overwhelming majority prefer the normal penis for a variety of reasons:


March 22, 2010 - 11:50am

I would like to address the "religious requirement for circumcision"--it is not a legitimate requirement of any deity and/or religion:









March 22, 2010 - 10:42am
(reply to Robert)

To better understand a religious requirement, you have to read and reference the religious texts. Genesis 17:11 very clearly states circumcision is a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham. It goes on to require all males in a household bound by this same covenant to be circumcised. This becomes the basis of the Judeo, Chrisitian and Muslim (www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/mosaic_law.htm www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/mosaic_law.htm) influence to circumcise sons. The reason the Catholic church and others do not specifically require circumcision is explained in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 17:19 and more) in several verses that Christ replaced the law so circumcision of the heart is more important. Circumcision of sons is still allowed for other reasons. I made the decision for my son based upon what I knew at the time. It was a difficult decision to make, in the end, we wanted him to look like Dad and like most of the other US citizens he'd run across in Gym class. You may be dismissive of my reasons but, frankly, my husband and I made the decision as we thought best at the time. I bet your parents did the same.

March 24, 2010 - 6:24am
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