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Does Sexual Interest And Satisfaction Decrease With Age? - Dr. Ogden (VIDEO)

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Dr. Ogden explains if sexual desire and pleasure decrease as a woman ages.

Dr. Ogden:
Sexual satisfaction and interest are supposed to start going downhill at the moment that you discover your first gray hair, and as someone who has gray hair, I can tell you that isn’t universally true. When I surveyed 3,810 people, mostly women, but also some men, what I found was that when those respondents connected sexuality with something more than physical, when they connected it with feelings and meanings, spirituality, emotions, their satisfaction levels actually went up with every decade.

I was astounded when I saw the statistics so that the 50, 60 and 70-year-olds were having a better time than the 20 and 30-year-olds, so I guess the moral of that is take heart and keep on coming back. It works, and don’t believe everything that you read that’s in the medical literature which may be trying to sell you products or tell you that you are dysfunctional or spin you some kind of, some kind of tale that things are going to get bad. And it is so individual. I am not saying that every single person of 50, 60, 70 or 80 feels better, but it is possible.

About Dr. Ogden, Ph.D.:
Dr. Gina Ogden, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in sexology from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, California, where she is now an associate professor. Her M.A. is in family therapy from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont and her B.A. is in English literature, from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She has received grants for her work on sexuality and spirituality from Harvard Divinity School's Institute for the Study of World Religions and from the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.

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