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Treat Your Thyroid With Strawberries and Yogurt!

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Strawberries and yogurt both share a little mineral called Iodine that strengthens and supports the thyroid. Lack of Iodine in the body can contribute to hypo and hyperthyroidism. A cup of yogurt alone contains 88 micrograms of Iodine, that's more than half of the recommended daily intake.

Iodine works with another mineral, selenium in order to keep your thyroid healthy. When thyroxine (a hormone) levels in the blood decrease, the pituitary gland releases another hormone, TSH. Presence of this hormone in your blood signal the thyroid to take more Iodine and synthesize it to produce more thyroxine. Your thyroid uses selenium to expedite this process. The importance of thyroxine is that it maintains your metabolism and immune system strong. If there is not enough iodine in your blood for your thyroid to convert to thyroxine, your thyroid will swell, which in turn causes a condition known as a goiter. Sometimes medication is required to get this part of your endocrine system back in order but if given the choice would you take a nice cup of yogurt with fresh strawberries? Or the meds?

Strawberries or yogurt not your thing? Try these Iodine rich foods:
* Cheddar cheese
* Cheese cake
* Cod
* Condensed milk
* Eggs
* Fish oils
* Fresh fish
* Iodized salt
* Malt bread
* Mayonnaise
* Naan Bread
* Sea foods
* Sea kelp
* Sea salt
* Seaweed
* Yorkshire pudding

Disclaimer: This article was not written to replace your meds, simply for those looking for an alternative treatment or supplementary form. Please keep in mind that the recommended daily intake in the US is 150mcg/day and anything in excess can be detrimental to your health.


Add a Comment2 Comments

Ha, ha Diane. I hear you! Maybe mixing it up with strawberies and some granola will make it better?
But speaking of Cheesecake...I make a mean one!

September 18, 2009 - 5:33am

Thank you for the easily understood explanation and the suggested foods! Now, if I can just convince myself to eat the yogurt instead of the cheesecake...

September 17, 2009 - 8:27am
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