Melissa, who has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, recalls her short-term list of things she would like to do.
My short-term list is, this weekend going to The Venetian, going to The Venetian and hanging out at the spa. And trust me, I mean that’s kind of a serious thing because when I was admitted to this hospital this time, we had made plans to go to San Diego and stay at the Catamaran and, what happens is, I get a fever and end up at the hospital just a couple of days before we left. And it seems to happen quite frequently where I am about to leave to go on a trip and do something fun. So, that’s my short term, just getting through this weekend.
And then, as far as maybe more on a business sense of it, I have a bunch of appointments that I have had to cancel, as far as like PET scans and follow-up appointments with doctors and I have had to cancel them numerous times because I’ve been in and out of hospital or sick and couldn’t make the appointment. So, it would be nice if I could make it to this appointment finally.
As far as on the long-term list of things that I’d like to do is, I would love to go to New Zealand. That’s something that I posted it on my blog and a lot of my friends and family know about. I have never been there and I love to travel so that’s definitely on the list of things.
I would love to get married and have a family and have children and grow old with them and that’s, you know, maybe buy a house and live that simple life, I guess. We will see.
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