Are your children very physically active or do they mostly play on the computer, watch TV or play video games? And have you ever considered the habits of their friends? Turns out, children are likely to mimic the physical activity habits of those closest to them. Check it out!
Hi, I’m Bailey Mosier. This is your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose.
Are your children very physically active or do they mostly play on the computer, watch TV or play video games? And have you ever considered the habits of their friends? Turns out, children are likely to mimic the physical activity habits of those closest to them.
Researchers at Vanderbilt School of Medicine examined a group of children between the ages of 5 and 12 for 12 weeks and used a device – much like a pedometer – to track the children’s physical activity. The team found the children who befriended the most physically active individuals in the group, upped their own physical activity about 10 percent. Those children who befriended others who had lower physical activity levels, participated less in physical activity and were, themselves, more sedentary.
The research saw meaningful changes in the children’s behavior in as few as 12 weeks. Researchers are hopeful that this may be a new approach to obesity prevention – connecting young, physical children with those who are more sedentary, because this study found that children are likely to mimic the physical activity levels of their closest friends.
That wraps up your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose. Join me here at every weekday for your next dose of women’s health.
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Kids definitely learn from one another. They will definitely be more active based on friends they choose.
Marielaina Perrone DDS
October 17, 2012 - 11:27amHenderson Teeth Whitening
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