Dr. Wilson shares how a woman can tell if she is ovulation.
Dr. Wilson:
So to know whether you are ovulating or if you have ovulated, it’s a great question, and a lot of women have that question. One of the ways for doing that is something that's called fertility awareness and what you do basically is monitor your body temperature.
You take your temperature every morning basically at the same time, and you keep track in a chart over the month, and because what happens is when you ovulate your body temperature will increase by one-half to one degree within a couple of days when ovulation is happening.
The other thing is monitoring or noticing what we call cervical mucus or vaginal discharge which will be more clear and slippery like an egg white, and it will feel and look like egg white when ovulation is happening.
So those are two ways that you can know. There also are ovulation kits that you can purchase, something called "Cycle Beats" that can help you to notice what’s happening with your menstrual cycle, and my focus is really helping women to come internal, really listen to their bodies to know when they’re ovulating and trusting their process of ovulation in the menstrual cycle.
Dr. Donielle Wilson is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in Connecticut, New York, and Washington Sate. She graduated from Bastyr University, the leading accredited institution for the study of natural medicine, in 2000 with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and a certificate in midwifery.
Dr. Wilson is currently president of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP) and has held that position since April 2003. In that role she is dedicated to increasing awareness of and access to naturopathic medicine by passing legislation to license Naturopathic Doctors in New York. In addition, Dr. Wilson is a past board member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and is a current board member of the American Association of Naturopathic Midwives.
Her passion is to address stress-related conditions by balancing hormones and neurotransmitters. She is an expert in natural health care for women, particularly natural therapies for fertility, dysplasia and menopause. She has extensive experience working with adults and children with allergies, fatigue, frequent infections, hormone imbalances, cancer, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, high cholesterol, migraines, insomnia and digestive problems.
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