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Why Do Some Women Get Pregnant After Giving Up All Hope? - Dr. Wilson (VIDEO)

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Why Do Some Women Get Pregnant After Giving Up All Hope? - Dr. Wilson (VIDEO)
Why Do Some Women Get Pregnant After Giving Up All Hope? - Dr. Wilson (VIDEO)
3 of 17 : Current video

Dr. Wilson shares why so many women get pregnant after they've given up hope, having tried so hard in the past to conceive.

Dr. Wilson:
It is, it’s such a common story, and the way I look at that, that it’s the way our body responds to stress. When we are stressed about something, so when becoming pregnant becomes stressful and we get anxious about it or nervous, it's everything that’s on your mind, that’s stress and the way the body responds to stress is the body makes hormones basically that suppress all of the other hormones.

So the stress response is to basically turn off the ovaries and once the stress goes away, once you let go of thinking about getting pregnant, the stress is gone and now the ovaries start working again, and we get ovulation and pregnancy.

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