In the past few days, my stomach has been hurting (stomach grumbling and a trip to the bathroom) about 20 minutes after eating. I haven't eaten any dairy or gluten few days, and have no history of ...

Why does my stomach hurt after eating?


Chances are, you probably know someone who has suffered from an eating disorder. Eating disorders are complex and devastating conditions that can seriously impact your health on an emotional, ...

10 Very Real Eating Disorder Revelations


Between late night working, picking up the kids and your never-ending to-do list, dinner time isn't always a priority. Two things we suggest? First, try to plan menu items for the week ahead ...

6 Easy Chicken Recipes to Make Weeknight Meals a Breeze


When it comes to green living, there are many ways you can help the environment. You can recycle, buy compostable products, carry reusable shopping bags to stores and start composting in your ...

5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Wardrobe More Eco-friendly


My mother had breast cancer in her mid 50s and overcame it. Should I consider BRCA testing? How does the BRCA test work? Is it a simple blood test or more complicated?

Do I need BRCA testing if my mom had breast cancer?


I love drinking coffee - but i've heard that green tea is better for you. Why is this? 

What are the benefits of drinking Green Tea?


Beets are one of the most important foods that you can eat on a daily basis and are the “B” in Dr. Bob’s “ABC’s.” (Apples and carrots are A and C.) A beet’s nutritional makeup consists of vitamins ...

Jenny Housh commented on Dr. Robert DeMaria's post Four Simple Ways to Add Beets To Your Diet


It looks like music can improve many moods! This baby goes from fussy to happy at the sound of Katy Perry's song, "Dark Horse."Looking for more ways music can improve your health? Here's an ...

Music Can Change Your Mood in an Instant - Just Watch This Baby's Reaction to a Katy Perry Song


I shampoo my hair every other day, but always seem to have flakes in my hair. Because of this, I have started washing my hair twice when I do shampoo (once with dandruff shampoo like Selsun Blue ...

How can I help dandruff?


My shoulder (collarbone area) is in pain and my left arm is a little numb. I am in my mid twenties, but have a history of heart problems (genetic only, not lifestyle). Should I be concerned about ...

Jenny Housh commented on Jenny Housh's post What can cause numbness in my left arm?


I think I broke my collarbone. I hear that collarbones can heal by themselves, is this true? At what point should I go to a doctor to get an x-ray? 

How can I tell if I have a broken bone?


With all the talk about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, i'm a little scared. Is there a cure for Ebola? A vaccine for Ebola perhaps? 

Is there a cure for Ebola?


My shoulder (collarbone area) is in pain and my left arm is a little numb. I am in my mid twenties, but have a history of heart problems (genetic only, not lifestyle). Should I be concerned about ...

What can cause numbness in my left arm?


I went cliff jumping while on vacation two weeks ago. I jumped from 45 feet into the ocean and the next few days my neck and shoulders (especially my left side) was painful (and not in the muscle, ...

How do I know if I have whiplash?


I'm getting over a bad cold and has been blowing her nose constantly. My left ear feels funny, like a clogged ear. They need to pop but won't. I thought maybe a decongestant would help, or opening ...

How do I unclog a clogged ear?


Ok well last night I was half asleep and my husband gotup and went to the bathroom and didn't come out for three hours and he wasn't showering.Now we have had our fair share of issues with porn ...

Jenny Housh commented on gin77's post confused


I have never heard of the term “paralysis agitans,” but hear it is related to Parkinson’s disease. What are the similarities or differences between the two? 

What is Paralysis Agitans?


Lips are always in season. Lipstick can take your look from dull to wow in a matter of seconds (given you know what color to use).Don't know where to start? We've compiled some of our top tried ...

4 Insanely Easy Ways to Get Your Best Lips Ever


Lately I have noticed that my brain function (thinking, speaking, reading out loud). This causes me to stumble on my words and not form complete thoughts while speaking to others. My mind seems to ...

What causes reduced brain function?


When I was little, I grew up around the beach. Each week I would spend hours outside, at picnics, running, biking and lots of other things - all outdoors. Because of this, I would get sunburned a ...

Should I be worried about skin cancer if I had a lot of sunburns?


Hi, I've been divorced for over 2 years and have 3 older kids from my first (only) marriage which lasted 18 years. After years of being single, gone on a few not so great dates, I finally have ...

Jenny Housh commented on singlemom3's post New Boyfriend & Not Feeling Equal


I love cooking and testing out new recipes! I especially like using healthy ingredients. Do you have any recommendations for some quick, healthy recipes I can make this summer?

What are some simple healthy recipes to make this summer?


I know some women in their 30-40's that have been traveling for business and have had issues getting pregnant.  Is there a connection between high-levels of travel and pregnancy? 

Does long term airplane travel effect getting pregnant ?


I have dry eyes, I wake up every morning with crusty, dry eyes. It hurts to open them sometimes. What can I do?

I have crusty, dry eyes each morning, what can I do?


I am in the process of growing out my hair for donation. I have heard many things about Locks of Love, Pantene beautiful lengths and wigs for kids. Have you ever donated your hair? Does anyone ...

Where should I donate my hair for the best cause?


I love piling on blankets when I sleep. Sometimes I wake up sweating. Is there an ideal room temperature to sleep at? I'm afraid that my body is working overtime when I sleep!

What is the right room temperature to sleep at?


I want to whiten my teeth. Can I use white-strips or would you recommend going to the dentist?

My teeth are yellow, do teeth whiteners really work?


Everytime I drink red wine I get congested. Anything I can do besides not drinking red wine that will help with the congestion?

Does sulfite in red wine cause congestion?


I heard that you should apply sunscreen a little while before going out in the sun. How long before going outside should I apply the SPF? What if I apply it while i'm outside, does this affect the ...

How long before going outside should I apply sunscreen?


Juicing is a hot topic in the health world right now. What are the benefits? Are they more beneficial than just eating the piece of fruit or vegetables? Are the juices high in ...

Is juicing fruit and vegetables beneficial for your health?


During the summer, skin gets very oily. Why is this? Does it have something to do with the heat or humidity? How can I stop it? 

Jenny Housh commented on Hayden Kennedy's post Why is my skin oily during the summer?


I have heard about something called a detox bath. Can it really help rid your body of toxins? Does my body absorb minerals while I soak? What are the benefits?

What is a detox bath and how can it help me?


I've been taking biotin (5000mg) for sometime now and it doesn't seem to be doing much. Am I not taking enough dosage? Is there any research to prove this vitamin actually works?

Does biotin (hair, skin, nails) pill actually work?


Sometimes I enjoy a evening stroll around the block. But whenever i'm out I often feel that I should run instead of walk for a better workout. Is walking an effective workout? Can it burn as many ...

Is walking as effective as running?


Are naps during the day productive for your health or counterproductive? Can a 20-30 minute nap at lunch help energize me for the rest of the day?

Can power naps make you more productive?


Is there a safe amount of time to be in the sun if I am not wearing sunscreen? Does a sunburn begin right away when you are exposed to sunlight or does it take time?

How long should I be in the sun without sunscreen?


When I was 13 years old I had a very bad infection which caused my inner ear to perferate, soon after the inner ear perferation I constantly heard ringing in the inner ear I remember it would keep ...

Jenny Housh commented on wizzy989's post The Unpleasantness that comes with Tinnitus


Bad skin tone can be caused by a variety of factors that include environment, lifestyle choices, dry weather, dry skin, and combination issues. Balanced skin tone is important, as unbalanced skin ...

Jenny Housh commented on Linda Daniels' post How to Even out Bad Skin Tone?

EmpowHER Guest

Afrin works really well for me but worried about over use. Any good alternatives to Afrin that you might recommend?

Jenny Housh commented on Anonymous' post Any good alternatives to Afrin?


I am an active person exercising 4-6 times per week. I drink water throughout the day, but how much is enough? I must also point out that I live in Arizona where temps this time of year range ...

Jenny Housh commented on Shana O'Connor's post How much water should I drink per day?

EmpowHER Guest

Is it similar to what women experience?

Jenny Housh commented on Anonymous' post Does a man experience menopause?


I'm looking to add certain vitamins into my daily routine. What are the benefits of B vitamins? What is the difference between B12, B6, and other supplements? Any recommendations? 

What are the benefits of B vitamins?