Lisa provides advice for other women with Crohn's disease, particularly those who were recently diagnosed, and shares how EmpowHER has helped her live with this condition.
Lisa explains how she discusses her Crohn's disease flare-ups with her physician and describes how her diet affects her symptoms.
Lisa shares what she has discovered about her Crohn's disease symptoms since her diagnosis.
Lisa describes how she has been feeling since her last Crohn's disease flare more than one year ago.
LIsa explains if her thyroid was removed to find out if she had thyroid cancer.
Lisa describes the results of her thyroid ultrasound.
Lisa explains why she decided to conceive through in vitro fertilization.
Lisa introduces herself and explains active Crohn's disease.
Lisa recalls the Crohn's disease symptoms she had before her clinical diagnosis.
Lisa describes what her life is like with Crohn's disease.
Lisa provides the best advice she has regarding Crohn's disease.
Lisa explains how she dealt with the significant weight loss caused by Crohn's disease.
Lisa recalls the food that she has learned worsens her Crohn's disease symptoms.
Lisa describes how she is trying to control her Crohn's disease symptoms.
Lisa gives advice for women who think they may have Crohn's disease, but are afraid to have a colonoscopy.
Lisa describes why she decided to freeze her embryos.
Lisa explains if she is happy she underwent in vitro fertilization to become pregnant.
Lisa describes how she handled losing one of her triplets during pregnancy.
Lisa explains if she became pregnant using in vitro fertilization.
Lisa describes how she was able to handle administering herself hormones shots during during in vitro fertilization.
Lisa recalls the results after the right portion of her thyroid gland was removed.
Lisa explains how she coped with the fear of waiting to learn if she had thyroid cancer.
Lisa explains why she had a plastic surgeon remove the right portion of her thyroid gland.
Lisa describes the results of the fine-needle aspiration biopsy performed on her thyroid.
Lisa recalls her thyroid biopsy procedure, which would indicate if she had thyroid cancer.